Shift from controlling others to controlling the vibration you offer
Recently I’ve noticed a specific kind of friction in the vibration of a few of my clients. The friction is coming from a belief that someone in their lives needs to do things differently. Here’s an example: One client thinks co-creating with her spouse would be so much easier if he would shift away from […]
Continued...Are you practicing the Art of Allowing—or are you tolerating?
A question popped into my mind the other day: What is the difference between tolerating and allowing? And does it matter? Well, turns out there is quite a difference, and yes, indeed, it does matter. I think the reason this question came up for me is I’ve been noticing the energy when someone makes the […]
Continued...I complain way less than I used to
I suppose most of us complain. We express dissatisfaction or annoyance with something—complain either with words spoken aloud or with the thoughts in our heads. Do you complain? I do. Since my obsession with all things Law of Attraction, I now realize complaining is focusing on unwanted, which is very bad for manifesting what is […]
Continued...Is your vibrational mix what you intend?
Do you know what you are inviting into your experience? How you can tell? This post is about your vibrational mix, and how sometimes someone’s vibrational mix is not what they intend. Meaning, someone can be offering a vibration in complete opposition to what they actually want. I’m going to use these desires as examples. […]
Continued...All your rushing has a vibrational consequence
Recently a number of my coaching clients have described rushing. Rushing to get things done. Hurrying to finish this so they can get onto that. Rushing at work. Rushing at home. Rushing from work to home. Sometimes the rushing and hurrying is because whatever task they are doing is not particularly one that they want […]
Continued...Are you offering resistance by trying to be patient?
This post is about patience and manifesting. If you’ve been frustrated because your desire is taking a long time to manifest or if you often find yourself focused on the timing of what you want, this episode is for you. Many of my coaching clients know that impatience, at #10 on the emotional scale, is […]
Continued...It is not your job to get rid of the unwanted
None of us intends to include what we don’t want in our vibration. Your vibration is what attracts circumstances and conditions, people and things, situations and events. And since you want to attract wanted into your life, you intend for your vibration to only include what is wanted, right? At times, though, many of us […]
Continued...Are you sabotaging yourself with split Energy?
When I think about all the women I’ve coached through the lens of Law of Attraction, split Energy is probably the most common way someone sabotages herself when it comes to manifesting. Very simply: When you split your energy, you sabotage yourself. You make it harder to manifest what you want. So if split Energy […]
Continued...Have you ever thought about what negative emotion is telling you?
Understanding what negative emotion is telling you can soften the experience of what you’re feeling and help you actually appreciate the feedback you’re getting. Wait a minute! Did I just say you could actually appreciate something about the experience of negative emotion? Yes…yes I did! And you’ll soon find out why. Let’s begin by exploring […]
Continued...It feels bad wanting something you don’t think you can manifest
Every now and again someone comes to me for coaching who says, I don’t know what I want. And sometimes, this is accurate. The person really doesn’t know what she wants. In which case a powerful first step is to make your desire known to the Universe. You can simply say, I want to know […]
Continued...4 types of attachment that are not good for manifesting
I want to talk about attachment. Specifically, we’ll look at four types of attachment and how each lowers your point of attraction. Many of us, myself included at times, are very attached to our attachment! Which is kind of funny when you think about it. Let’s begin with the first type of attachment. Attachment to […]
Continued...Many of us are activating a vibration of unwanted rather than wanted
Here’s something I’ve noticed: Many of us, without realizing it, are activating a vibration of unwanted rather than wanted. Here’s why that is so important: You cannot focus on unwanted and receive wanted. Which bring me to one of my favorite ways to think about Law of Attraction: The Stick Analogy. Think of going out […]
Continued...Trying to control others attracts more to be controlled
Trying to control others doesn’t feel good. Which means means trying to control others is really bad for your point of attraction. The type of control I’m talking about can take many forms. Trying to control others can be about their behavior or perceptions or the decisions they make. Trying to control others can be […]
Continued...5 ways someone might not be “getting over” a breakup
This post is about a Law of Attraction perspective on getting over the breakup of a romantic relationship. To explore this topic, I’ll talk about five ways someone might not be “getting over” a breakup. Before we dive in, let me say this: Even if a breakup isn’t relevant to what’s going on in your […]
Continued...Looking at FOMO through the lens of Law of Attraction
Are you suffering from FOMO? You’ve probably heard of FOMO, but in case you haven’t, it stands for Fear Of Missing Out. FOMO surfaced in a couple recent coaching sessions with clients, which caused me to be curious about looking at FOMO through the lens of Law of Attraction. Let’s start here: FOMO is a […]