Looking at FOMO through the lens of Law of Attraction
Are you suffering from FOMO? You’ve probably heard of FOMO, but in case you haven’t, it stands for Fear Of Missing Out. FOMO surfaced in a couple recent coaching sessions with clients, which caused me to be curious about looking at FOMO through the lens of Law of Attraction. Let’s start here: FOMO is a […]
It’s such a seemingly simple piece of guidance
It’s such a seemingly simple piece of guidance: Reach for the best-feeling thought you have access to. This is always the best piece of advice. It’s the LoA recommendation that applies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Reach for the best-feeling thought you have access to. If you’ve just […]
What is the vibration you offer about what you want?
Someone wants a promotion at work. Someone wants to lose ten pounds. Someone wants better communication with her spouse. Someone wants her children to thrive at school. Someone wants a new car. Someone wants to have more community in her life. Do you know what all these wants have in common? Each person, regardless of […]
Are you asking questions for which you don’t have answers?
How often do you have a new desire for something you want to manifest and feel really excited…only to shift rather quickly to thinking about how you are going to get what you want and feel a whole let less excited? Does that sound familiar? Instead of excitement and positive expectation about your new desire, […]
The problem doesn’t feel good. The solution does.
Are you wallowing in the problem? I imagine most of us want to say, No of course not. I wouldn’t do that. I don’t wallow in the problem. And yet, many of us do just that. Here’s why wallowing in the problem is a problem. When you wallow in the problem you are vibrating at […]
Are you lining up with the decisions you make?
Here’s what I’ve noticed: Many of us create friction in our vibration when it comes to making decisions. This commonly happens in a couple ways. Listen and see if you can identify with one or both. The first way you might be creating friction in your vibration around decision-making stems from the belief that there […]
It’s all about dialing down resistance and dialing up relief
Are you letting the good stuff in? We all want the good stuff, right? The prosperity and peace of mind and positive expectation, the great relationship and fulfilling job and amazing life. While we all define “the good stuff” differently, each of us has good stuff we want. But the question is: Are you letting […]
The “station” you are on determines what you attract
I want you to imagine you walk into a room and turn on the radio. The station your radio is tuned to is playing jazz music. But you don’t like jazz. Instead, you prefer country music. What do you do? You change the station, right? Or let’s say you turn on the radio and country […]
I used to think the answer was to get stuff done
I want to take you back a few years and tell you what I used to think about overwhelm. I thought overwhelm was because there was too much on my To Do list or because I had too much going on in my life. In other words, when there’s lots to get done or lots […]
7 ideas for getting in the Vortex
“Once you have practiced the vibration of what’s in your Vortex long enough that you own the frequency of it, and there is no gap between you right here where you stand and the vibrational reality in your Vortex—then those objects, those relationships, those desires, those answers, those solutions that you have been asking for […]
This is important: Expectation is a focus with a vibration
Are you expecting what you want? Or are you expecting what you don’t want? Why on earth would you expect what you don’t want? That doesn’t make any sense, does it? And yet…that’s what so many of us do. We expect the very things we don’t want. I want to talk about expectation, why it’s […]
Are you trying to manifest from the energy of protecting and avoiding?
Are you trying to protect your vibration? Are you trying not to think thoughts that cause you to feel bad? Are you trying to avoid people and situations and topics that throw you out of alignment? There’s nothing wrong, per se, with doing any of these things. At the same time, I would like to […]
Listening to your intuition doesn’t have to be mysterious
There is this one question I’m asked often. In fact, it might be the most frequently asked question I get. And the question is: How do I listen to my intuition? How do I actually do it? Now, I’ll let you know upfront: This episode may not be as tactical as you would like. Because […]
Contrast is helping you clarify what you like and want
What is contrast clarifying for you right now? Do you know? Before you answer, let me back up and ground us in a simple definition of contrast so we have the same understanding. Contrast is simply the variety of life. You are constantly being exposed to contrast. It’s happening all the time. Often when my […]
Here’s why resistance is a problem
I want to talk about resistance. Resistance to what you want to manifest. Resistance to what feels good. Resistance to the life you want. Resistance is a vibrational holding pattern that does not match the vibration of your desire. Really let that sink in. If you are experiencing resistance, you are in a vibrational holding […]