Start, Stop & Change: vibration

Are you trying to protect your vibration? Are you trying not to think thoughts that cause you to feel bad? Are you trying to avoid people and situations and topics that throw you out of alignment?

There’s nothing wrong, per se, with doing any of these things.

At the same time, I would like to offer a distinction I hope will be useful in helping you improve your point of attraction. When I say distinction, I mean a difference between similar things. And it is this very difference that can make all the difference.

Here’s a distinction: Trying to protect your vibration versus nurture your vibration.

Here’s another distinction: Trying not to think negative-feeling thoughts versus thinking positive-feeling thoughts. One more: Avoiding the bad versus activating the good.

Now you might think those distinctions are just word play.

  • If you are protecting your vibration, aren’t you also nurturing it?
  • If you succeed in not thinking negative-feeling thoughts, aren’t you likely to be thinking positive-feeling thoughts?

You can probably sense, though, that while they seem and sound close to the same, there is a vibrational difference going on. Well, that vibrational difference is really important.

The energy of protecting is different than the energy of nurturing. The energy of avoiding is different than the energy of seeking.

These distinctions clarify a difference in energy, and this difference in energy matters when it comes to what you are creating and attracting.

So let me ask: Are you coming at manifesting from the energy of protecting and avoiding? If so, this distinction will most definitely offer you an opportunity to raise your vibration and improve your point of attraction.

“This is an attraction-based Universe. You cannot say no. You are always saying, ‘Yes please, yes please, yes please’ with your attention.” —Abraham

  • When you try not to think that thought about your divorce that always feels bad to you, you are actually saying, Yes please with your attention.
  • When you think about all the things you regret about your past, you are actually saying Yes please with your attention.
  • When you think about everything you don’t like about your job, you are actually saying Yes please with your attention.

Of course, I know that’s not the intent.

You see something, think something, or experience something you don’t like and say, I don’t want that! And you think the “don’t want” part is the point, is enough. But really it’s your attention that is important. Because it is your attention that is attracting.

Let’s ground this in Law of Attraction 101: What you give thought to, wanted or unwanted, you begin to invite into your experience.

The Universe is inclusive and your attention to anything is saying yes to it.

When you try to protect your vibration, you are on the lookout for all the things to protect your vibration from. You are watchful of what will throw you out of alignment. In other words, you are on the lookout for people, events, situations, and things that will lower your vibration.

Well, what you intend to see narrows your focus. In other words, you notice what you look for.

And so you do exactly what you intended, and that is notice all the things you deem to be vibration lowering. Your attention now is on the very things you don’t want. And, by Law of Attraction, you are saying yes to them.

Being on the lookout for trouble means your attention is on trouble. And therefore your vibration is in trouble.

This brings to mind the classic LoA stick analogy.

“It is like picking up a stick with two ends. One end represents what you do want; the other represents what you do not want.” —Abraham

Wanted and unwanted are always there. In every area and subject of your life.

Are you giving your attention and therefore your energy to what is wanted? Or are you trying to avoid what is unwanted—thereby unintentionally activating the vibration of unwanted?

Most of us understand that focusing on unwanted is bad for manifesting. We know enough about Law of Attraction to know like attracts like and focusing on unwanted only attracts unwanted.

But I want you to notice the vibrational similarity between focusing on unwanted and trying to avoid unwanted? Again, this is not word play. This has an actual impact on the vibration you offer to which Law of Attraction responds.

So really there are three options.

  1. Give your attention to what is wanted. I think most of us intuitively know that’s what we should be doing.
  2. Give your attention to what is unwanted. I think most of us know that’s not what we should be doing.
  3. Give your attention to avoiding unwanted. You might have been doing this without realizing it, which is why recognizing this distinction is important. Trying to avoid what is unwanted is vibrationally very similar to focusing on what is unwanted. That’s not what you want to be doing with your vibration.

Bottom line: Focus on what is wanted. Recognize the distinction between nurturing your vibration versus protecting your vibration, and lean into the former.

“It’s not about avoiding a thought. It’s about finding another thought.” —Abraham

That is at once so simple and yet trips up many of us.

  • You try to avoid this thought about the bills and that thought about your boss.
  • You try to avoid this thought about your husband and that thought about work.

Avoid, avoid, avoid. The energy of avoiding and pushing against is really the energy of unwanted. You don’t want what you are avoiding. You don’t want what you are pushing against.

Well, hear this loud and clear. I know you already know it, but we can all use a reminder: You cannot focus on unwanted and receive wanted.

Trying to avoid and protect against is a focus on unwanted.

You don’t mean it to be. That’s not your intention. But from a Law of Attraction perspective, from a vibrational perspective, trying to avoid and protect against is activating unwanted.

What if, instead of avoiding, as Abraham says, it’s simply about finding another thought?

You don’t have to avoid the thought about your boss that causes you to feel negative emotion. You simply want to find another thought that is pleasing to you. You simply give your attention and focus to what is wanted.

I’ve given you several distinctions, but for the sake of simplicity, let’s narrow to just this one: Protect your vibration versus nurture your vibration.

  • Protect means keeps safe from harm or injury
  • Nurture means care for and encourage the growth and development of

Protecting is guarding against unwanted. Nurturing is activating wanted.

In all likelihood, you are doing some of both with your thoughts and therefore your vibration. Some protecting, some nurturing.

What if you were to lean into this distinction and begin to intentionally nurture your vibration? To do so more often, more consistently?

Earlier I said when you try to protect your vibration, you are on the lookout for all the things to protect your vibration from. You are on the lookout for people, events, situations, and things that will lower your vibration.

Well, the opposite is true, too. When you nurture your vibration, you are on the lookout for all the things that elevate and uplift and cultivate your vibration. In other words, you are on the lookout for people, events, situations, and things that will raise your vibration.

That’s the energy that attracts more of what you want.

When you look for positive aspects, when you look for what you want to see, when you pay attention and notice what you like and what’s right and what’s working, then you are attracting from that energy.

The vibration you offer from this energy of nurturing your vibration creates the ideal environment for manifestation.

I invite you to lean into this distinction, and shift from protecting your vibration to nurturing your vibration. Here are a few questions to help guide you:

  • Am I focusing on what is wanted rather than on what is unwanted?
  • Am I moving toward what I want rather than trying to get away from what I don’t want?
  • Am I finding a thought that feels good instead of trying to avoid a thought that feels bad?
  • Am I trying to keep bad things from happening or am I creating good things?
  • Am I focusing on all the things that I need to change or am I focusing on creating what I want?

“Giving thought to anything is creation; giving deliberate thought to anything is deliberate creation.” —Abraham