How to Feel Better: best-feeling thought

It’s such a seemingly simple piece of guidance: Reach for the best-feeling thought you have access to.

This is always the best piece of advice. It’s the LoA recommendation that applies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Reach for the best-feeling thought you have access to.

  • If you’ve just had an argument with your spouse, reach for the best-feeling thought you have access to.
  • If you are heading into a job interview, reach for the best-feeling thought you have access to.
  • If you’re waiting for the call from your doctor, reach for the best-feeling thought you have access to.
  • If you are waking up in the morning, reach for the best-feeling thought you have access to.
  • If you are going to bed at night, reach for the best-feeling thought you have access to.

You get the idea.

Reaching for the best-feeling thought you have access to is your work.

It’s your daily call to action. And I don’t just mean once I day. I mean all day long. Hour by hour, moment by moment, reach for the best-feeling thought you have access to.

If you are high on the emotional scale, reaching for the best-feeling thought you have access to will be easy. You will easily land on any number of thoughts that feel high vibe. You will be able to milk your high vibe emotion because you will have ready access to other thoughts of a similar vibration.

If you are in the middle of the emotional scale, perhaps feeling frustration or disappointment, you can still reach for the best-feeling thought you have access to. When you’re in the middle of the emotional scale, it’s not difficult to reach for a thought that offers relief. Yes, it takes intention, but this doesn’t need to be difficult. While you may not have access to a thought that causes you to feel joy when you are in the middle of the emotional scale, you can experience relief and move up the scale, one thought at a time.

If you are at the low end of the emotional scale, perhaps feeling fear or guilt or powerlessness, you absolutely can still reach for the best-feeling thought you have access to. This low vibe emotional state is where many of my clients tell me in the past they simply sort of “gave up” and tolerated the low vibe and didn’t really make an attempt to feel better. This was often because they blamed some circumstance or condition on feeling low vibe, and falsely believed they could not feel better until the circumstance changed or condition improved. So they didn’t even attempt to reach for the relief of a better-feeling thought. Feeling good seemed too far off, too out of reach, too unrealistic, so they just sat with and stayed in the low vibration.

Now these same clients realize no matter what emotion they are experiencing, even those at the very bottom of the emotional scale, they can reach for relief. They can incrementally move up the emotional scale by reaching for the best-feeling thought they have access to, and then the next, and the next. They no longer blame circumstances as the reason they are experiencing negative emotion—and know feeling better is just thoughts away.

“If you can just remember that anytime something feels uncomfortable, just stop where you are and acknowledge that it’s just a matter of reaching for better-feeling thoughts. Reaching for a feeling of relief works the resistance out of everything.” —Abraham

The other day I shared a laugh with a client as she rather sheepishly admitted that while she knows about the LoA technique of reaching for a better-feeling thought, she hasn’t truly gone from knowing about it to practicing it.

Well, knowing about reaching for the relief of a better-feeling thought and actually getting relief—feeling relief—are two very different things. One is knowing something in your head and the other is actually changing the vibration you are offering to which Law of Attraction is responding.

In other words: Knowing about the technique doesn’t raise your vibration. Finding relief does.

“When you reach for the thought that feels better, the Universe is now responding differently to you because of that effort. And so, the things that follow you get better and better, too. So it gets easier to reach for the thought that feels better, because you are on ever-increasing, improving platforms that feel better.” —Abraham

Abraham is describing the payoff. When you reach for a better-feeling thought and get relief, when you move up the emotional scale, now the Universe responds differently to you.

What you attract when you offer a vibration of frustration or fear is very different than what you attract when you offer a vibration of enthusiasm or empowerment.

Like attracts like. Law of Attraction is always matching you up with circumstances and conditions, people and events, situations and things of a similar vibration.

This is the why of why you want to reach for the best-feeling thought you have access to. Because it’s only through getting relief and raising your vibration that you are able to attract deliberately and manifest easily.

When I said this is not just a once a day practice, but a moment by moment one, I’m not exaggerating.

I spend all day, every day reaching for the best-feeling thought I have access to.

Now, sometimes I am entirely successfully in doing this and other times I might not be successful at all. My intention, though—always, always, always—is to reach for the best-feeling thought I have access to.

I’m sometimes asked, But isn’t that onerous? Isn’t that tiring and taxing to always be so mindful of your thinking?

Quite the contrary. I don’t see it that way. I don’t have that belief, so that’s not my experience. Being mindful of my thinking is not a chore. It’s not burdensome. It’s not hard. It doesn’t distract me from working or living.

Quite the contrary, my approach to reaching for the best-feeling thought I have access to is light and fun. It’s feels good to think thoughts that feel good. I like the feeling of being a deliberate creator by reaching for thoughts that feel good.

So this is not a chore, it’s a mindset. It’s not a chore, it’s a way of showing up in my life.

Quite simply—and this will come as no surprise—reach for the best-feeling thought you have access to. This is really the secret sauce when it comes to Law of Attraction.

“When you care about how you feel and you’re willing to pivot and turn your thoughts towards better feeling things, you will quickly begin the positive deliberate transformation of your life.” —Abraham

This is the work, my friends. Care about how you feel. Choose to think thoughts that feel good. When you feel negative emotion, be willing to pivot. Reach for the relief of better-feeling thoughts.

And so the question is: Do you care about how you feel?

Because this is really a prerequisite for using Law of Attraction to your advantage. You have to pay attention to how you feel and you have to care about how you feel. It is only by prioritizing feeling good that you can improve your point of attraction.

There are many approaches you could use to reach for the best-feeling thought you have access to. I’ll share a couple that have been really helpful to me.

One is a lens for looking at the world and the other is a magic question that helps you move up the emotional scale.

So let’s start with the first one—which is a lens for looking at your life.

“If you can begin to orient your thoughts by steadily looking for things that cause you to feel good, you will begin to develop patterns of thoughts, or beliefs, that will help you create magnificent good-feeling lives.” —Abraham

Could it really be that simple? Can it really be as simple as steadily looking for things that cause you to feel good? Yes! Yes, it really is that simple!

When you look for what you want to see, when you look for positive aspects, when you pay attention to what you like and what’s working and what’s right, you necessarily will be reaching for the best-feeling thought you have access to.

My intention is to use the lens for looking at the world all the time. In other words, to always be looking for what I want to see, to always be focusing on positive aspects, to always be paying attention to what I like and what’s right.

Do I do this perfectly? No, of course not!

But it is my intention to look at the world in this way. This is lens is like a superhighway to always being on the frequency of good-feeling thoughts.

Now, I mentioned a second approach that is useful to me, what I’m calling a magic question.

“Get hooked on asking: ‘Which thought feels better?’ Let the feeling of relief become what is most important to you.” —Abraham

When I find myself experiencing negative emotion, my intention is to use the magic question: Which thought feels better?

My intention is to move up the emotional scale. I know I can do that by thinking a thought, seeing if it offers relief, thinking another thought, seeing if it offers relief—and continuing to do this until I’m feeling positive emotion—or at least relief.

To recap:

  • Steadily look for things that cause you to feel good.
  • Get hooked on asking, “Which thought feels better?”

Doing these will help you reach for the best-feeling thought you have access to.