Law of Attraction: radio tuner

I want you to imagine you walk into a room and turn on the radio. The station your radio is tuned to is playing jazz music.

But you don’t like jazz. Instead, you prefer country music.

What do you do?

You change the station, right?

Or let’s say you turn on the radio and country music is playing, but you don’t like country music. Instead, you would prefer to listen to jazz.

If your preference is jazz music, do you continue to listen to the station playing country music? Or do you simply change to a different station?

I really want you to imagine what you would do.

If your preference is jazz music, do you continue to stay on the country station and rail against hearing music you don’t want to hear, music you don’t like—all the while wishing you would suddenly hear jazz music playing on the country station?

While my example might seem a little silly, all this is to say that I imagine you would follow your preference.

You want to hear jazz, and so you change the station accordingly. You tune the dial to align with what you want to experience.

This brings me to a classic LoA analogy about the radio tuner. Quite simply: You can’t tune in to what’s playing at 98.6 and expect to hear what’s playing at 101.2.

Here’s how this relates to Law of Attraction: You can’t be tuned into disappointment and expect to receive things of a higher frequency.

When you are tuned into disappointment, you will receive circumstances and conditions that match. The reality that shows up for you will match the frequency of disappointment.

Now, I’m using disappointment only as an example. The same goes for all emotions.

You cannot be vibrating at, emitting, feeling a low vibe emotion and expect to attract high vibe circumstances, people, events, situations, and things.

You will receive what matches the frequency you are on.

“We are all Vibrational Beings. You’re like a receiving mechanism that when you set your tuner to the station, you’re going to hear what’s playing. Whatever you are focused upon is the way you set your tuner, and when you focus there for as little as 17 seconds, you activate that vibration within you. Once you activate a vibration within you, Law of Attraction begins responding to that vibration, and you’re off and running—whether it’s something wanted or unwanted.” —Abraham

  • You are like a receiving mechanism and you set your tuner to a station. You do this with your emotions.
  • And then you hear what’s playing. You receive what matches your vibration.

I love this LoA analogy about the radio tuner for a couple reasons.

First, it’s easy to understand. We have all changed the dial on the radio. We all understand that we can only hear what’s playing on the frequency we are tuned into.

Second, I like that this analogy makes it sound simple, easy, do-able. You don’t like what’s playing on one station, so you simply tune the frequency to a different station.

You don’t stand in front of the radio overthinking it. You don’t believe it’s beyond you to move the dial and change the station. You don’t put up with listening to music you don’t like. You don’t think, Well, I’m listening to country now and even though I don’t like it, I guess I’m just destined to keep listening to country music.

Too many of us are making it way too complicated to change the vibration we are offering to which Law of Attraction is responding.

We overthink how this happens. We act as if the frequency we offer today is dictated by the one we’ve offered in the past. We underestimate our own agency to simply change to a different station.

What if changing the station, from an LoA perspective, is just as simple, easy, and do-able as changing the dial on your radio? Are you at least willing to consider that it could be?

“In the same way that your radio tuner must be set to match the frequency of the broadcasting station you desire to hear, the vibrational frequency of your Being must match the frequency of your desire. And we call that the Art of Allowing—allowing what you are asking for.” —Abraham

Do you need to change the station? That’s very much my question to you.

What I’m really asking is this: Will you attract the circumstances and conditions you want, the events and situations, the people and things, if you stay on the station you are on? Another way to say it: Are you attracting what you want based on the frequency you are tuned into with your emotions?

Because if your answer is no—as in, you won’t attract what you want—then it’s definitely time to change the station.

I want you to be very clear you can only receive what you are tuned into. Meaning…

  • If you are on the anger station, that’s what you are going to “hear”. Meaning you are attracting things that match up to anger.
  • If you are on the worry station, that’s what you are going to receive. More situations that align with the frequency of worry.
  • If you are on the insecurity station, your life experience will give you opportunities to experience insecurity or emotions of a similar frequency.

The “station” you are on determines what you attract and what you notice.

If I’m on the frequency of discouragement, I may not even notice opportunities that come my way, resources that are available, meeting people who are the pathway to what I want. If I’m on the discouragement station, and therefore only receiving things that match up to discouragement, I don’t notice things that are on a different frequency.

  • I don’t see the announcement.
  • I miss the call.
  • I fail to see the opening.

Now imagine, instead, that I’m on a higher vibe frequency. The station I’m on is positive expectation. What do you think I notice when I’m tuned into the positive expectation station? It’s an entirely different experience, an entirely different reality.

“Whatever you are focused upon is the way you set your radio tuner. You are a receiving mechanism, that when you set your tuner to the station, you’re going to hear what’s playing.” —Abraham

  • Are you focused on what you like? That creates positive emotion in you, which means you’ve set your radio tuner to receive things hat match up to positive emotion.
  • Are you focused on what you don’t like? That creates negative emotion in you, which means you’ve set your radio tuner to receive things that match up to negative emotion?

Too many of us are on a station we don’t want to be on.

We are complaining about it, railing against it, but we are staying on the station. We are hoping and praying and wanting different circumstances and conditions, even as we stay on a station that does not match the very things we want.

And here’s where things get even more misguided: We believe when we get the shiny penny we want or achieve the goal we desire, then we will feel better.

To put this way of thinking into our analogy: We think we can stay on the worry station or the anger station or the fear station, get what we want, and then we’ll change to the happy station, or the appreciation station, or the joy station.

But Law of Attraction simply does not work that way.

You can only “hear” what’s playing on the station you are on.

One of my favorite Abraham sayings captures this notion: “You cannot have a happy ending to an unhappy journey.” That’s because if you are on the unhappy frequency, then Law of Attraction cannot match you up with the happy ending.

The practical application is to ask yourself: What station am I on—and do I need to change the station?

If you stay on the station you are on, will you receive and experience what you want?

If you stay on the station you are on, will you like and want the circumstances and conditions, the events and situations, the people and things, that are a match?

“If your tuner is not set to your Inner Being’s frequency, what is it set to? So how do you know where you’ve set your tuner? There are two ways: How you feel and what’s happening.” —Abraham

The reason Abraham says there are two ways to know where you’ve set your tuner is because how you feel is obviously one way. Your emotions are certainly a quick way to check in and see if you need to change the station.

  • Again, if you are on the unworthiness station, you will receive circumstances that match up.
  • If you are on the empowerment station, you will receive circumstances that match up.

Abraham mentions a second way to know where you’ve set your tuner…by what’s happening.

In other words, look around at what’s showing up in your experience. What are you manifesting? Because what is showing up in your experience is a match to the station you’ve been on.

The question—What station am I on?—is not a one and done. Meaning you don’t ask this question once and never ask again.

Right now you may be on a high vibe station, feeling appreciation and happiness. Later you may be on the Boredom station. Then you might find yourself on the Worry station.

This question—What station am I on?—is useful in your everyday LoA toolkit. It’s an easy way to check in with yourself and know what you are in the process of creating. And, of course, the follow-up question: Do you need to change the station?

“Law of Attraction is not punishing you. Law of Attraction is supporting you with evidence of your vibrational frequency.” —Abraham