How to Think Better: relief

Are you letting the good stuff in?

We all want the good stuff, right? The prosperity and peace of mind and positive expectation, the great relationship and fulfilling job and amazing life. While we all define “the good stuff” differently, each of us has good stuff we want.

But the question is: Are you letting it in? You want the good stuff, the shiny pennies and goals and experiences. But…

  • Are you letting in the shiny pennies you want?
  • Are you letting in the goals you want to achieve?
  • Are you letting in the experiences you want to have?

I imagine you want your answer to be a resounding yes—Yes, I am letting the good stuff in.

But I’m also imagining you have an inkling—perhaps a small one, perhaps a big one—that you are not always letting the good stuff in. That, in fact, sometimes you are most definitely not letting the good stuff in, which explains why the good stuff hasn’t yet manifested.

Am I right?

So what does it mean to let the good stuff in?

I like to think of it this way: Letting the good stuff in is about dialing down resistance and dialing up relief. And while I’m mentioning these as if they are two separate things, they are always happening simultaneously. Because when you lower resistance, you increase relief. When you move toward relief, you move away from resistance.

“We would like to leave you with this very clear knowing that we hold: You are just a few laughs away from letting a whole lot of good stuff in. You are just a few kisses away from letting a whole lot of good stuff in. You are just a little bit of relief away from letting a whole lot of good stuff in.” —Abraham

Hear that? A few laughs away, a few kisses away, just a little bit of relief away…from letting a whole lot of good stuff in.

When you laugh, when you love, you are allowing the good stuff in. When you reach for the relief of a better-feeling thought, you are letting the good stuff in.

So many of us are chasing after the good stuff, when the real pathway to what we want is simply relief. In fact, Abraham says: “Don’t seek healing, just seek relief. Don’t seek improvement, just seek relief. Don’t seek solution, just seek relief.”

  • You most certainly can want healing. The way to healing is relief.
  • You most certainly can desire a solution to your problem. The way to that solution is relief.

The way to all the good stuff you want is through relief.

Often we have it backwards in that we wait for the healing, for the improvement, for the solution to feel relief. But that denying of relief blocks the good stuff you want from manifesting.

But the question you might be asking is this: How do I feel relief when the situation isn’t as I want it to be? How do I feel relief when I want the healing, want the improvement, want the solution.

“We want you to find relief in the power of your changing of focus and not need the relief to depend on circumstances changing.” —Abraham

You caught that last part, right? The part about not depending on circumstances changing to find relief?

Because that, my friends, is getting at the crux of it all.

So many times we wait for circumstances to change in order to feel relief.

We wait to get the job, the news, the money to feel relief. But depending on circumstances to give you your relief means you will always be dependent on circumstances.

  • Sometimes circumstances will be what you want, so you’ll feel good and let the good stuff in.
  • Other times circumstances will not be what you want, so you’ll feel bad and block the good stuff, disallow the good stuff, offer resistance to the good stuff.

Abraham is highlighting the skill of changing your focus to find relief. When you change your focus to what you like and want, to what’s working and what’s right in your life, you experience relief.

And, of course, the opposite is true too. When you change your focus to what you don’t like and don’t want, to what’s not working and what’s wrong in your life, you cut yourself off from relief.

Just imagine for a moment what might be possible—in terms of both how you feel and the ease with which you are able to manifest—if you were to use the power of your focus to find relief. If you were to truly step into the power you through your focus rather than needing circumstances to line up the way you want them to be.

“The feeling of relief, that is the name of the game. If you’re able to find even the smallest feeling of relief in a deliberately chosen thought, your gentle path toward your solution will begin.” —Abraham

I like the phrasing “a deliberately chosen thought.” Because that’s exactly what you want to do. You want to deliberately choose a thought that offers you a little relief.

You might be thinking, Like what, Jennifer? What kind of thought?

Well, you can always reach for better-feeling thoughts about the subject that has caused you to experience negative emotion. So, in other words, better-feeling thoughts that give you relief that are specific to whatever topic that has caused you to feel bad.

You can also rely on a more generic, but nonetheless powerful and useful statement that offers relief. Either way you are deliberately choosing a thought that offers you a little relief.

To give you a better understanding of what I mean by a generic statement, let me share a few that could offer relief. Some of these will resonate with you and offer relief, others might not. That’s OK.

Simply notice which ones release a bit of resistance in you, which, of course, means you are getting relief.

  • I’m doing pretty good.
  • Everything is OK.
  • I don’t have to figure it all out today.
  • Life is supposed to be fun.
  • My body knows what to do.
  • It doesn’t all have to unfold this red hot minute
  • I can figure it out as I go.
  • Everything is always working out for me.
  • The Universe adores me.
  • It’s inevitable that it’s coming.
  • I love the track I’m on.
  • Good things are lined up for me.
  • My only work is to relax and breathe.
  • The Universe is yielding to me.
  • I love knowing that my talent, my true talent is alignment.
  • There’s nothing more important than to relax and allow.
  • It’s getting better and better and better.
  • I love knowing who I am.
  • I’m in very good hands.
  • All is well.

I don’t know about you, but I feel better already!

All is well has always been one of my relief statements. Lately I find the thought, The Universe is always supporting me never fails to bring relief.

Now, my list of relief statements is not exhaustive by any means. And, of course, there’s nothing magical about my list. You could use one or more of the statements I shared or come up with your own.

The point, as Abraham says, is this: “Your work is to find relief, find relief, find relief.”

To let the good stuff in, to allow the good stuff, means releasing resistance and feeling relief.

“You’ve got to find a thought that causes a vibration within you that gives you a feeling of relief which is the releasing of resistance.” —Abraham

  • Instead of thinking I need to know everything right this minute, I can feel the relief of deliberately thinking, I can figure it out as I go.
  • Instead of thinking about what’s wrong, I can think about what’s right. And experience relief.
  • Instead of focusing on a what-is I don’t like, I can feel the relief of deliberately thinking, Good things are lined up for me.

“Get hooked on asking: ‘Which thought feels better?’ Let the feeling of relief become what is most important to you.” —Abraham

On any subject in your life—your finances or relationship, your job or health, on any and every subject of your life, reach for the best-feeling thoughts you can.

The way you let the good stuff in is to release resistance and find relief. Rinse and repeat.

You want the good stuff. You want to manifest all the good stuff you are wanting. Well, the way you do that is to follow the feeling of relief.

“Right now, I am going to find the best-feeling thought that I can. I’m going to reach for more relief, more relief, more relief.” —Abraham