Are you rehearsing the future and rehashing the past?
I admit, I’m not always great about staying in the present. I know that’s what makes sense. The here and now is all we really have. But oh how enticing it is to rehash the past and rehearse the future. Especially that latter one for me. The future is a wonderful place. I love visioning, […]
Continued...Not now doesn’t mean not ever
I’m a collector of mindsets. I notice them in myself. I listen for them in other people. I love reading about them. I write about them. I try them on to see what the world looks like through their lens. And I’m always on the lookout for mindsets I haven’t encountered before. Several years ago […]
Continued...I don’t want to be in debt
There are some questions that almost guarantee an interesting conversation. What’s your ideal life? is one of them. Which is why I love asking this question. I’ve noticed, though, in describing their ideal life, most respond with a laundry list of what they don’t want. I don’t want to be in debt. I don’t want to […]
Continued...Someone’s New Year’s resolution is sitting on the curb
Yesterday I saw someone’s New Year’s resolution sitting on the curb, already forgotten. It looked forlorn. Bewildered the fanfare of January 1 faded so quickly. I watched it sit there, slump there—unrealized. Wondering if it would be dusted off and tried again next year. What about you? Did you make any resolutions for the coming year? Is […]
Continued...Want to know what I wrote on my handy 3 x 5 card?
I don’t always have it all together. My perfectionist tendencies sometimes stop by for an unwelcome visit. Knowing all the latest anti-procrastination strategies doesn’t mean I never procrastinate. I can get stuck in my head. Sometimes wanting to see the entire path keeps me from taking the first step. In short, even though I read […]
Continued...Not everything in life can be equally important
There’s a movement underway to get back to the basics. To move away from possession-cluttered, debt-overloaded, work-burdened, and time-starved lives. To make lifestyle choices that minimize the “more is better” mindset, and maximize the reality that simplicity means more time, balance, and satisfaction. It means less not more Simplicity is clarifying what matters most and […]
Continued...Warning: These undone To Dos are robbing you
A To Do list… Need backup system for computer Bags of clothes for donation piled in closet Call phone company about echo in phone line Replace broken tile in backsplash Overflowing junk drawer Burned out light bulb in closet Figure out how to use budgeting software Clean out the garage Recaulk bathtub Get referrals for […]
Continued...“You’re trying to get people to overhaul their lives”
I was having a “let’s get to know each other” coffee with someone I’d only said hello to at a couple of networking events. We were ten minutes into our conversation when she said something that stopped me in my tracks: It sounds to me like you’re trying to get people to overhaul their lives. […]
Continued...Do you have the urge to go smaller?
A friend said, I’m downsizing a dream. It turns out he’s letting go of a long-held dream to start his own business. Instead, he’s repackaging and repurposing that old aspiration into joining a small technology startup as an employee. While it won’t be his own business, he’s getting in on the ground floor and will have […]
Continued...Mini Mission—Edit your life
Ever been handed an edited version of something you’ve written? Notice how deleting a word here and sentence there makes the whole thing flow more smoothly? How editing makes it easier to read and understand? Makes it better. Well, our lives are like that too. When we edit to remove the unnecessary, a new coherent whole […]
Continued...Dreams are impractical. Or are they?
It hurts my heart when someone says dreams are impractical. Hurts my head and soul too. And I do hear it. At least a couple times a month. Sometimes more. I’ve heard it from clients, workshop attendees, the woman doing my nails, the man seated next to me on the plane. This bleak mindset sometimes […]
Continued...I haven’t always lived my life by design
I’m going to begin with a kick in the pants. Many people—perhaps even you—spend more time planning their next vacation or home renovation project than they do planning their lives. That just doesn’t make sense to me. I know from firsthand experience intentional living is a line in the sand between half living and a […]
Continued...Sometimes when it’s not working you have to take it apart
Sometimes when it’s not working you have to take it apart. Sometimes you take it apart to look at all the pieces individually and see which ones are causing the problem. Which ones don’t fit anymore. Which ones need to be changed. Sometimes you take it apart just to look at what makes it up. […]
Continued...Thinking the worst and throwing a tantrum
Last week I received news: Something I wanted very badly might not happen. I would like to say I calmly sat down, said the Serenity Prayer, and did the work of teasing out what was in the change category versus the acceptance column. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; […]
Continued...Three simple questions about more, less & different
Autumn is underway and it’s the perfect time to reflect and cast off what you don’t want to take into the new year. Yes, I’m already talking about the new year. Because the new year is just 77 days around the corner. I find once the holidays are underway—which are also just around the corner—many of […]