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Not everything in life can be equally important

Not everything in life can be equally important

There’s a movement underway to get back to the basics. To move away from possession-cluttered, debt-overloaded, work-burdened, and time-starved lives. To make lifestyle choices that minimize the “more is better” mindset, and maximize the reality that simplicity means more time, balance, and satisfaction. It means less not more Simplicity is clarifying what matters most and […]


Do you have the urge to go smaller?

A friend said, I’m downsizing a dream. It turns out he’s letting go of a long-held dream to start his own business. Instead, he’s repackaging and repurposing that old aspiration into joining a small technology startup as an employee. While it won’t be his own business, he’s getting in on the ground floor and will have […]


Mini Mission—Edit your life

Ever been handed an edited version of something you’ve written? Notice how deleting a word here and sentence there makes the whole thing flow more smoothly? How editing makes it easier to read and understand? Makes it better. Well, our lives are like that too. When we edit to remove the unnecessary, a new coherent whole […]
