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Your life has an expiration date.

Your life has an expiration date

I think it’s important to have a vision for your life. To design your life rather than live by default. Not a week goes by someone doesn’t pull me aside to ask, What if I don’t know what I want? Well here’s the thing: The first step is admitting you don’t know. The second step is making […]


Are you stuck in a setback?

I recently saw an advertisement for a car that said, “Takes bumps easily.” Oh, to be that car! So often we don’t take bumps easily. We can’t see past the bump. We get stuck in the bump. We relive the bump. We let the bump define us. After the setback I’ve noticed two distinct reactions […]


But don’t you want to look at my resume?

What’s the single most important factor in making a successful career transition? It’s not polishing your resume or letting everyone know you’re looking to make a career change. It’s not upgrading your skills, reading a book about interviewing, or even networking. No, a successful career transition starts in advance of those activities. It begins by […]
