Why paying attention to everything is bad for manifesting
We are all observers because an observer is simply someone who watches or notices something. But are you what I refer to as “merely” an observer? As in only an observer. As in solely an observer. Because if you are merely an observer most or all of the time, you are very likely lowering your […]
Continued...It feels bad wanting something you don’t think you can manifest
Every now and again someone comes to me for coaching who says, I don’t know what I want. And sometimes, this is accurate. The person really doesn’t know what she wants. In which case a powerful first step is to make your desire known to the Universe. You can simply say, I want to know […]
Continued...The “station” you are on determines what you attract
I want you to imagine you walk into a room and turn on the radio. The station your radio is tuned to is playing jazz music. But you don’t like jazz. Instead, you prefer country music. What do you do? You change the station, right? Or let’s say you turn on the radio and country […]
Continued...This is important: Expectation is a focus with a vibration
Are you expecting what you want? Or are you expecting what you don’t want? Why on earth would you expect what you don’t want? That doesn’t make any sense, does it? And yet…that’s what so many of us do. We expect the very things we don’t want. I want to talk about expectation, why it’s […]
Continued...Here’s why resistance is a problem
I want to talk about resistance. Resistance to what you want to manifest. Resistance to what feels good. Resistance to the life you want. Resistance is a vibrational holding pattern that does not match the vibration of your desire. Really let that sink in. If you are experiencing resistance, you are in a vibrational holding […]
Continued...What if your top three emotions are worry, doubt and insecurity?
I want to ask a very important question that is really two questions. So here we go: What are your top 3 emotions creating? The reason I say this is two questions is first you need to have some idea what your top three emotions actually are before you can begin to consider what they […]
Continued...The better it gets, the better it gets
I’ve noticed a similar theme among a number of recent coaching sessions: The better it gets, the better it gets. And…the worse it gets, the worse it gets. Have you had this experience? When things are good, they tend to get better and better. And when things are bad, it can seem as if they […]
Continued...Are postponing how you want to feel?
I want you to think about something you are wanting to manifest. Think about something you desire. Maybe it’s a romantic relationship or financial freedom. Maybe it’s a new job or a better relationship with your kids. Maybe it’s success in your business or a new house. As you think about what you want to […]
Continued...Are you suspended in the emotional scale?
I want to talk about something that at first glance can appear to be stuckness, but is really something different. Recently I was coaching with a client who made the distinction—and it’s such a brilliant one—between being stuck versus being suspended. These two states—stuck vs. suspended—have a very different energy and usually a different cause. […]
Continued...Imagine you leave the job you hate and get a new job
On the one hand, this is about hating your job. In a broader sense, though, it’s really about a natural inclination many of us seem to have to leave a situation that feels bad. For instance, you hate your job and your solution to that problem is to get a different job that you do […]
Continued...What’s love got to do with it?
This post asks a very important question. A question that can shed light on whether you are offering a mixed vibration and, in turn, getting a mixed bag of manifestations. The question—Do you stop loving hundreds of times a day?—was sparked by a powerful quote from The Power by Rhonda Byrne. “If your life is not […]
Continued...Do you have one of these blind spots?
Every now and again, someone tells me Law of Attraction isn’t working for them. They say they are doing all the “right” LoA things, but what they want just isn’t manifesting. They see Law of Attraction working in the lives of others, but not theirs. It can certainly seem like that because we’re not able […]
Continued...Do you need a reminder about these LoA basics?
I created Manifest with Ease: Law of Attraction Simplified because this is the course I wish I’d had when I started my LoA journey. It would have simplified Law of Attraction for me and helped me more easily and readily apply LoA in my life. This course teaches 28 core essentials of Law of Attraction. I […]
Continued...Are you making the “bigger” things you want unequal?
I remember the first time I heard Abraham say, “It is as easy to create a castle as a button.” Hmmmm…. A castle? A button? Just as easy to create one as the other? How is that possible? How can that be true? We have been taught and trained otherwise, right? We have been told […]
Continued...Is what you are observing what you want?
I attended an Abraham workshop last November in Dallas and the entire experience was incredibly expansive and high vibe. From start to finish, it was such a delightful experience. As always, so much of what I heard from Abraham resonated that day, but there has been one phrase that continues to call to me. Abraham […]