Gunk of Low-Energy Living: mixed vibration

This post asks a very important question. A question that can shed light on whether you are offering a mixed vibration and, in turn, getting a mixed bag of manifestations.

The question—Do you stop loving hundreds of times a day?—was sparked by a powerful quote from The Power by Rhonda Byrne.

“If your life is not filled with everything you love, it doesn’t mean you’re not a good and loving person. The life purpose for each of us is to overcome negativity by choosing love. The problem is that most people love and then stop loving hundreds of times in a day. They don’t give love long enough for the force of love to move all the good things into their life. Think about it: One moment you give love through a warm hug with a loved one, and then you stop giving love within minutes when you get annoyed because you can’t find your keys or you’re delayed in traffic or you can’t find a parking space. You give love when you laugh with a work colleague, and then stop when you get disappointed because the local lunch place has run out of something you want. You give love as you look forward to the weekend, and then you stop when you receive your bills. And so it continues all through the day; you give love and you stop giving love, give love and stop giving love, give love and stop giving love, from one moment to the next.” — The Power (The Secret Book 2)

Wow, right?!

It’s a profound idea full of real-life insight—this notion that you might give love and stop giving love all through the day.

I have found this concept to be incredibly useful and practical for tending to my vibration.

Rhonda does a fantastic job of explaining precisely how many of us are mixed in the vibrations we offer to which Law of Attraction responds.

If the vibration you offer is mixed—as in give love, stop giving love, give love, stop giving love—then it follows you will receive a mixed bag of manifestations.

  • As in, you will receive some of what you want, and some of what you don’t want.
  • As in, you will feel stuck when it comes to manifesting something you really want.
  • As in, you will not fully stand in your power as a deliberate creator.

Love is at the top of the emotional scale. #1 of 22.

When you give love, you receive love. When you are giving love, you are a magnet for circumstances and conditions, people and things, events and situations that match up. When you give love, what you receive in return matches up to the frequency of love.

The same can be said for all the emotions at the top of the emotional scale. Alongside love, in the #1 spot of the emotional scale you will find: Joy, Knowledge, Empowerment, Freedom, and Appreciation.

“When you are at one with the world, you often find that the thing you seek is seeking you.” —Charles F. Haanel

  • When you are at one with joy, you will find that thing you seek is seeking you.
  • When you are at one with empowerment and freedom, you will find yourself in receiving mode for what you want.
  • When you are at one with appreciation, you will manifest with ease.

When you choose thoughts that feel high vibe to you, when you choose love, when show up in the world offering an elevated vibration, you are a magnet for circumstances, people, events, situations, and things that match.

Don’t you want more in your life that matches up to love? Don’t you want more inn your life that matches up to the high vibe emotions of Joy, Knowledge, Empowerment, Freedom, and Appreciation?

I can only imagine you are nodding your head yes. Well, if you want more to manifest into your reality that is on the frequency of love and all those high vibe emotions, then you have to give love.

Let’s return to the quote about giving love and take a closer look.

If your life is not filled with everything you love, it doesn’t mean you’re not a good and loving person.

It’s OK if your life right this moment is not filled with everything you love. You can only start where you are. Don’t be tempted to make a story out of your current reality not being what you want. Your what-is need not be your future.

 The life purpose for each of us is to overcome negativity by choosing love.

Have you ever thought about your life purpose in this way? That your very purpose is to choose—and to choose love. Choosing is such a powerful act. You have agency in your life. At any given moment and in all the given moments, you can choose and you can choose love.

 The problem is that most people love and then stop loving hundreds of times in a day.

That’s it. That’s the problem. It’s simply a problem of the choice being made. Of the mixed vibration being offered. Love, stop loving, love, stop loving.

They don’t give love long enough for the force of love to move all the good things into their life.

This is where we see the role that love plays in manifestation. You receive what you give. If you give love and then stop giving love—and keep doing this over and over, there’s no momentum in the direction of love. Which means there’s no momentum in the direction of what could be created from love, what could be attracted from love.

“It is the combination of thought and love which forms the irresistible force of the law of attraction.” —Charles F. Haanel

The force of love is super powerful manifesting fuel. But if you are always doing the two-step dance of give love, stop giving love then you are not harnessing this powerful force for deliberate creation.

And then the quote goes on with those clear-cut examples, like: You give love as you look forward to the weekend, and then you stop when you receive your bills.

That resonates, right? I’m sure you can think of examples in your own life, in your own day, where you are giving love and then you stop giving love. For instance…

  • You have a lovely morning routine that gets you in alignment and then you watch the news for an hour and stop giving love.
  • You meditate in the morning, giving love, and then stop giving love as you effort your way through the tasks on your To Do list.

You may go from giving love to not giving love in a quick instant. Or you may give love all morning long and then stop. Or you may give love for an entire day only to stop giving love all the next day.

Regardless of the pattern, this back and forth is not the energy of deliberate creation. Instead, it’s the energy of creating by default.

“You cannot entertain weak, harmful, negative thoughts ten hours a day and expect to bring about beautiful, strong and harmonious conditions by ten minutes of strong, positive, creative thought.” — Charles F. Haanel

Now, Charles is using the example of ten hours of negative and ten minutes of positive, and so you might think, Well, of course, I know I can’t have such a drastic ratio of negative to positive.

But more to the point is this recurring theme of mixed vibration. Of offering two vibrations that are in complete opposition to each other. One creating what you want, the other creating what you don’t want.

And so what is the Universe to do when you offer a mixed vibration?

Law of Attraction can only respond with a mixed bag of manifestations.

When you give love and then stop giving love a hundred times a day, the corresponding result and reality you create is going to match up to that mixed vibration. Which means you will receive some of what you want, but also some of what you don’t want.

Well, it’s really this simple: You can start giving love…more—more often, more consistently, more easily.

“The law of attraction will certainly and unerringly bring to you the conditions, environment and experiences in life, corresponding with your habitual, characteristic, predominant mental attitude. Not what you think about once in a while when you are in church, or have just read a good book, but your predominant mental attitude is what counts.” —Charles F. Haanel

Is your predominant mental attitude one in which you give love or one in which you stop giving love?

I have found having this question in my LoA toolkit is really helpful to offering a mixed vibration less and an uplifted vibration more.

So what about it: When you think about the vibration you are offering right now, where does it fall in relation to love? Are you giving love? Or have you stopped giving love?

“Anything that feels like love is my alignment.” —Abraham

Isn’t that a wonderful way to put it?

Choose love. Choose to give love. Choose to think thoughts that allow you to feel juicy elevated emotions, like love, joy, and appreciation. Give love long enough for the force of love to move all the good things into your life.