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I have to have all the answers

When’s the last time you said, “I don’t know”? Has it been awhile? Do your think admitting you don’t know signals weakness? Do you fear saying I don’t know makes you look less competent or even stupid? Going through life with the mindset you should have all the answers is asking for trouble. You’re one question […]


4 reasons you’re not achieving your goal

A client recently wondered, Why do I keep having the same unrealized goals year after year? We’ve all experienced that disempowering feeling of setting the same goal—yet again. The one that’s left us stymied and frustrated in the past. The one we say we want to achieve, but fail to gain any sustainable traction around. […]

Top 10 Ways Not To Achieve Your Goal

Top 10 ways NOT to achieve your goals

1. Keep your goal a secret. Whatever you do, don’t tell anyone about your goal. That way no one can rally around you with support, resources, and accountability. Keeping your goal a secret also ensures part of you is hidden away. What’s so great about showing up in the world in an authentic way? 2. […]

Are you making low-energy choices?

Do you see yourself in these low-energy choices?

There is energy associated with every choice you make. A low-energy choice leaves you feeling drained, conflicted, stuck, disconnected, fearful, frustrated, hopeless, and ready to crawl back into bed. You contract into a low-energy choice, and it leaves you feeling “less than”. Do you see yourself in any of these low-energy choices? Negativity This low-energy […]


If I don’t try, I won’t fail

If I don’t try, I won’t fail. Absolutely. I have no argument with the truth of this mindset. But typing those words sends a shudder down my spine. Our mindset becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. So if your mindset is don’t try, won’t fail, then the world must shrink to make that your reality. Small and […]


Everything has to be perfect

Everything has to be perfect. I can’t make mistakes. Failing is unacceptable. I have to be perfect. While there are many variations to only perfection will do, the perfectionist mindset creates this reality: Before you even swing your legs out of bed in the morning and put your feet on the floor, you know you’re going to come up […]

Bend, Do Not Break

Bend with life, but don’t break

  Bend, don’t break. So easy to say. So hard to do when all that feels possible is breaking. Breaking down, not through. Breaking up, not out. Breaking apart. Bend, don’t break. Even though bending, bending, bending seems to take so much energy. While breaking seems easier somehow. Break and you’re done. But the living […]
