How to Think Better: scarcity mindset

There’s never enough time.
I’m so busy, but always behind.
There just aren’t enough hours in the day.
I have too many things to do and not enough time.

With this scarcity mindset, you cut yourself off from this possibility and clarifying principle: There is enough time for what really matters.

Quite simply, your mindset becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you believe there aren’t enough hours in the day, then there aren’t.

Stop believing your scarcity mindset.

What if you started believing 24 hours in a day is enough?

Think about it: How could believing there’s enough time in a day for what really matters serve as a litmus test?

  • If you believe there’s enough time for what really matters, who does that cause you to be?
  • How does this belief help you clarify what’s on your To Do list and what to keep off your radar?

If you were to embrace there’s enough time for what really matters, how does that change what you focus on and devote your energy to?