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Are you confused and uncertain about what to do next?

A client, let’s call her Ann, was complaining about a lack of clarity in her business. I feel fuzzy about who my ideal client really is. Which means I’m also not feeling confident about the services I’m offering—or not offering.  Ann’s marketing strategy was so multi-pronged and complicated that even she got confused trying to […]


There’s a saying: Comparison is the thief of joy

Well, comparison is also a sneaky energy thief. Thinking everyone is better off—has it easier, has more stuff, better looks, more advantages…is an energy wasteland. Comparison breeds bitterness, resentment and jealousy. It also triggers insecurity, anxiety and self-doubt. Comparison: It’s the mantra of separation and disconnect. Because whatever the particular comparison, it’s them versus you—and […]


3 ways to simplify—and really enjoy—the holidays

The holidays are just around the corner. And for every Christmas carol playing on the radio, I hear someone complaining about crowds at the mall and stressing over finding the perfect gift. Don’t let this time of year wreak havoc on your serenity. Here are three ways to simplify—and really enjoy—the holidays. Don’t aim for […]
