Appreciation is a miracle boost when it comes to manifestation

Start appreciating! It’s the secret sauce when it comes to manifesting what you want! “Become a person who appreciates and you will thrive; you will fulfill your reason for Being.” —Abraham Appreciation is a miracle boost when it comes to manifestation. That’s because appreciation starts manifestations—and moves them forward. The kind of appreciation I’m talking […]


Be careful: What you focus on multiplies

What you focus on multiplies. Not sure if that’s true? Just give it a whirl. Hop on the negativity train Spend a few minutes thinking about things that annoy you and people who irritate you. List your gripes and grievances. Think about the store clerk who was rude to you and the driver who cut […]


Gratitude is both an attitude and a practice

Being grateful is a choice. To pause. To appreciate. To acknowledge. Gratitude Practice Here are examples of a gratitude practice: Keep a gratitude journal and list three things each night for which you’re grateful. Use mealtimes for each family member to share one thing they’re grateful for that day. Make it a habit when standing in […]
