5 questions to figure out what you crave
Some people are lucky. They’ve always known what they crave. Others (like me) have done the heavy lifting of exploration to figure it out. And still others are waiting. Hoping it will become clear. Hoping for a flash of insight. Well, the flash may indeed come, but what if it doesn’t? And while you’re waiting, […]
Continued...If you don’t know, who does?
I’ve noticed many women say, I don’t know when asked about what they think or feel or want. What do you think will help you take better care of yourself? I don’t know. What kind of work do you think you’d be happier doing? I don’t know. What do you want for your next chapter? I […]
Continued...6 reasons authenticity is the way forward
Life presents us with so many occasions to be stuck and confused. Even feel a little lost sometimes. You’re unhappy in your career, but not sure what to do next. You’re worried about your relationship, but fear looking too closely. You want more meaning in your life, but aren’t sure how to get it. You’re […]
Continued...What 7 questions will you ask?
Anyone who knows me knows I love questions. The more the better. I’m a big believer in asking questions. A quality question can open the door to discovery and invite breakthrough thinking. It generates insight, which can lead to action and ignite change. Perhaps you have a friend or colleague who’s adept at asking quality […]
Continued...Mini Mission—Own your power
Are you giving away your power? Giving away your personal power diminishes you and erodes your ability to create change in your life. You might be giving away your power by: blaming others looking backward instead of forward not listening to your intuition trying to be someone you’re not people pleasing letting others decide what’s […]
Continued...I never make the right decision
Do you constantly second guess yourself? Do you frequently question whether you made the right decision? Are you always wondering if you should have chosen differently? I have a friend who does this regarding nearly every decision she makes, big or small. She orders a Greek salad and then wonders if she should have gone […]
Continued...Working in your life versus working on it
Ever thought about the difference between working in your life versus working on it? Working in your life is all the day-to-day business/busyness of life stuff. It’s waking in the morning and getting showered and dressed. It’s getting the kids ready and dropping them at school. It’s commuting to your office and working for a […]
Continued...I haven’t always lived my life by design
I’m going to begin with a kick in the pants. Many people—perhaps even you—spend more time planning their next vacation or home renovation project than they do planning their lives. That just doesn’t make sense to me. I know from firsthand experience intentional living is a line in the sand between half living and a […]
Continued...I won’t wait for inspiration
I won’t wait for inspiration to strike. I will go out and get inspired. I won’t wait for inspiration to come to me. I will put myself on the path. I won’t wait for inspiration to take hold. I will reach out my hands. I won’t wait for inspiration. Instead, I will simply show up. […]
Continued...I am vulnerable when …
In the last couple weeks, Brené Brown’s Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead has come up in conversation a dozen times. Seriously. 12 times. Although most people simply refer to: You know, that book about vulnerability. Several conversations were with coaching clients, which makes sense […]
Continued...What’s your type? Sensing or Intuition?
In the world of the Myers-Briggs, Sensing and Intuition are about how you prefer take in information. Do you know which you’re wired for? If your preference is Sensing, you tend to take in information through your five senses and focus on the here and now. If your preference is Intuition, you tend to take […]
Continued...Are you afraid to rock the boat?
Overheard: “I don’t want to tell him how I really feel. It will rock the boat.” Granted, I have no context here. How she really feels could be about the living room paint color he picked out, who she likes in the upcoming mayoral election, or wanting to have a baby. But my vote is […]
Continued...Mini Mission—Journaling for clarity
Are you unclear about what you really—really—want for the next chapter of your life? Is it difficult to quiet all the voices and outside sources telling you what you should do and should want? Here’s your mini mission Commit to journaling for a few minutes a day for one week. There are no rigid rules […]
Continued...How to get into action with 5 easy questions
“Action expresses priorities.” —Gandhi Are you expressing your priorities right now through your actions? You can get into action more easily by asking yourself a few simple questions. But be warned: These questions are a catalyst. Answer them only if you’re prepared to be in action. 1. What are you committed to and why? There’s nothing quite so […]
Continued...Are you putting off a crucial conversation?
Do you need to step outside your comfort zone and have a big conversation or ask a big question? Are you living small as you continue to put off having a crucial conversation? “I’m afraid to talk with my boss about where I’m headed with the company. I don’t think I’m going to like what […]