The problem with morning routines and alignment
Morning routines and rituals can be a great anchor for your alignment practice. But here’s a cautionary tale about alignment and routines and rituals. I have a client who recently wanted to create a new morning routine. She spent a lot of time thinking about what her routine would consist of and what would be […]
Continued...Two months in: The truth about writing to my intuition
I’ve been writing a daily letter to my intuition since mid-November. So I’m 60+ letters in. And boy have I been surprised. In the past, I would’ve said I didn’t even have intuition. When people talked about this mysterious, wise something-or-other directing them, I really had no idea what they were talking about. If pressed, […]
Continued...Dear Intuition, thanks for always being there
I’ve been writing letters to my intuition. That would have sounded crazy to me even a couple years ago. I used to say I didn’t hear that inner voice. Or maybe I didn’t have one. But I’m realizing my intuition actually has quite a lot to say. If I’m willing to quiet the external chatter […]
Continued...Be your own guru: How to give yourself wise advice
Where’s the best place to go for some wise advice? The self-help section at Barnes & Noble? A call to your best girlfriend? Ask your spouse? Find out what The Expert says and do that? Nope, none of those. The very best, wisest advice you’ll ever get will come from…you. How do I know this? […]
Continued...Sometimes I don’t like the answer to this question
Every month I do a monthly check-in of what I call the 4Rs—the Right questions to Reconnect, Recalibrate, and Recommit. The session takes about an hour. I reflect on the past month and answer a series of 20 thought-provoking questions that help me reconnect to what I want for the year, recalibrate my goals, and […]
Continued...The “magic” formula to stop procrastinating
When you have too much of something to do, is your tendency to do nothing? You haven’t entered any of your expenses in QuickBooks for the year—and it’s August. It’s such a gargantuan task, you put it off another day, week, month. Your big presentation is six weeks away. You have to research, draft content, […]
Continued...You can stop waiting. You have permission.
Is there an area of your business where you’re waiting for permission? Permission to… Launch a new service Attend that conference Go after your ideal client Really “own” your personal brand Hire with confidence Say “no” to work that’s not a good fit Streamline your process Ask clients for referrals Charge more Reach out to […]
Continued...I want you to put a big red X on each day
When I start working with a new client, I ask how she’ll be accountable for taking action on her goals. Often I hear some variation of If I knew how to do that, I wouldn’t need coaching. Fair enough. Which means we need to have a deeper conversation that could be called Accountability 101. And it […]
Continued...Tough love: It’s time to stop indulging in confusion
You know how sometimes you hear something that changes everything? This happened to me the other day while listening to a podcast at the gym. Here’s what I heard: Don’t indulge in confusion. I nearly flew off the back of the treadmill. I’m pretty sure I shouted, You’ve got that right! because several people nearby […]
Continued...The Planner and the Anti-Planner have little in common
I’m a planner by nature. I like the idea of 3-year plans and 5-year plans and best-year-yet plans. I like to plot my course. I’m here. I want to be there. Here’s how it will happen. All that is good. More times than not, it’s worked for me. Maybe you’re a planner too. Or perhaps […]
Continued...I refuse to focus on what I didn’t get done
The world can be divided into two camps: People who make lists and those who don’t. I know who I am. It seems I’ve spent a lifetime making To Do lists. Scribbled on notepads, written neatly in planners, entered into apps… I’m this person: If I complete a task that wasn’t originally on my To […]
Continued...Do you need a little adventure in your life?
Has your routine started to feel like a rut? When’s the last time you were unplanned, leaving room for spontaneity? When’s the last time you left an opening in your calendar for serendipity? Routine can be great. Organized and orderly. Planned and prepared. Check things off your list Get stuff done. But routine can also […]
Continued...What 7 questions are on your mind?
There’s nothing better than a good question. You know the kind. A juicy question that starts the wheels turning. One that invites breakthrough thinking and offers newfound clarity. Those are the kind of quality questions I love. The problem is, sometimes we have to wait a long time before someone asks us the kind of […]
Continued...Learning to say Yes and No with ease
A client recently made a distinction about the type of speaking engagements she accepts. She’s not interested in creating content and traveling to deliver a presentation to grow the knowledge of an audience. Instead, it’s only worth her time if she’s building the skills of audience members. Which means at the end of one of […]
Continued...How can I pursue my dream when my plate is already full?
Here’s an email I received this week. I get some variation of this question frequently, so thought I’d share my perspective. Q: I work full-time for a company, but dream about starting my own business. I’m afraid it would be impossible to juggle with all my other responsibilities, including a husband and two kids. I […]