Mini Mission—Define success for yourself
It’s energy-draining trying to live—and live up to—someone else’s definition of success. You invariably come up lacking. Or perhaps you achieve some coveted level of success—this size paycheck, that title—only to find you feel sort of empty inside. That’s what happens when we’re lazy about defining success for ourselves. It’s not hard to see how […]
The present would be perfect IF…
Lately I’ve been trying on this mindset: The present is perfect. I have to admit, I’m still practicing this one, still wrapping my mind around it. Because there’s a part of me that wants to say, Yeah, but… The present would be perfect IF… It’s a whole other thing to say the present is perfect—regardless of […]
Her default setting: How can I contribute?
I have a friend who has a mindset wired for contribution. Whatever the day, whatever the circumstance, her default setting is: How can I contribute? It’s a marvel to witness the world she creates through this lens of contribution. When she meets someone new. How can I contribute to connecting with this person? When she […]
Mini Mission—Accept your next compliment
What did you say the last time someone complimented you? Did you accept or deflect? Did you respond with: Thank you. I really appreciate that feedback. Thanks for the acknowledgement. Thanks for noticing. I appreciate the kind words. That means a lot. Thank you. I’m guessing it wasn’t any of those. I recently complimented a […]
Possibility and opportunity are all around
Possibility and opportunity are all around if you’re on the lookout. Here’s a great story about the importance of being present to the opportunities right in front of you. Back in the ’50s Kihachiro Onitsuka was trying to make basketball shoes in Japan, believing the sport was going to become popular in that country. His […]
There’s this whole world out there
There’s this whole world out there Full of risk and hope Possibility and probability Optimism and expectation Chance and chance encounters There’s this whole world out there Full of sights and sounds Charm and chaos Streets to walk down Experiences to be had There’s this whole world out there Waiting for you to look up from […]
Working in your life versus working on it
Ever thought about the difference between working in your life versus working on it? Working in your life is all the day-to-day business/busyness of life stuff. It’s waking in the morning and getting showered and dressed. It’s getting the kids ready and dropping them at school. It’s commuting to your office and working for a […]
Mini Mission—Send snail mail
I practically squeal with delight when I open the mailbox to find a handwritten card or note. Do you feel that way too when you discover a little gem among the junk mail and bills? Does receiving a handwritten note make you feel special and considered? Does a card someone took the time to select, hand […]
Here’s how I start my day
I don’t have a set schedule. One day I might have back-to-back coaching calls starting at 8 a.m. and the next day be call-free until early afternoon. While I love the variety and flexibility, it also leads me to crave more structure to start the day. After some experimenting, here’s the routine I’ve landed on: […]
I am vulnerable when …
In the last couple weeks, Brené Brown’s Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead has come up in conversation a dozen times. Seriously. 12 times. Although most people simply refer to: You know, that book about vulnerability. Several conversations were with coaching clients, which makes sense […]
Your comfort zone is not where the magic happens
Your comfort zone is safe, secure, comfortable. It’s familiar and easy to navigate because you’ve been there, done that. It keeps you in the land of Sameness. Tomorrow is like today is like yesterday. You stay contained, reined in, the same. And so your comfort zone is really the perfect place to be if you […]
I treated myself
I treated myself Because I deserved it. But I don’t always treat myself the way I deserve to be treated. Do you? Or like me, does that little voice in your head speak a little too often, a little too loudly? You know the voice I mean. The fault finding one That grumbles and grouses, […]
Will you take the one-a-day challenge?
We are a culture of stuff. Consumerism is a pastime. One of the most difficult questions to answer—and live—is: What is enough? Hans and I recently—and very intentionally—downsized to a 733 square foot apartment from a 1400 square foot house. While even our former home was perceived small by today’s standards, the thought of our new […]
Mini Mission—Journaling for clarity
Are you unclear about what you really—really—want for the next chapter of your life? Is it difficult to quiet all the voices and outside sources telling you what you should do and should want? Here’s your mini mission Commit to journaling for a few minutes a day for one week. There are no rigid rules […]
How will you add in some unexpected good today?
I love birthdays. I also love anything I can do proactively to reduce potential stress. Like when I look at the calendar, see someone’s special day is right around the corner, and realize I don’t have a card to send. So I recently ordered several birthday cards from Papyrus to have on hand. Last minute […]