Not everything in life can be equally important
There’s a movement underway to get back to the basics. To move away from possession-cluttered, debt-overloaded, work-burdened, and time-starved lives. To make lifestyle choices that minimize the “more is better” mindset, and maximize the reality that simplicity means more time, balance, and satisfaction. It means less not more Simplicity is clarifying what matters most and […]
Continued...The present would be perfect IF…
Lately I’ve been trying on this mindset: The present is perfect. I have to admit, I’m still practicing this one, still wrapping my mind around it. Because there’s a part of me that wants to say, Yeah, but… The present would be perfect IF… It’s a whole other thing to say the present is perfect—regardless of […]
Continued...Mini Mission—Recreate your morning routine
You have a morning routine, right? Some set of actions that take place between waking and working? But do you have a morning routine that starts your day with your best foot forward? For many, that’s a different story. It’s great for a morning routine to be on autopilot—something you do automatically—but only after ensuring […]
Continued...Thinking and Feeling are about how you make decisions
In the world of the Myers-Briggs, Thinking and Feeling are about how you make decisions. Of course, we all think and feel, but Myers-Briggs’ use of these terms is distinct from everyday usage. In a nutshell: Thinking types tend to focus on making logical decisions while Feeling types decide using personal, subjective criteria. Do you […]
Continued...Working in your life versus working on it
Ever thought about the difference between working in your life versus working on it? Working in your life is all the day-to-day business/busyness of life stuff. It’s waking in the morning and getting showered and dressed. It’s getting the kids ready and dropping them at school. It’s commuting to your office and working for a […]
Continued...What’s your type? Extraversion or Introversion?
Extraversion and Introversion are about how we get energized and where we direct our energy. Do you know which you’re wired for? Your preference sheds light on why certain situations are energizing or certain people draining. Why certain work environments bring out your best while others leave you distinctly out of sorts. For instance, if […]
Continued...Are you open to owning less?
For me, owning less stuff has meant less energy. Less energy coveting and shopping. Less energy cleaning and maintaining. Less energy working to support overhead. Are you open to owning less? Would spending less energy on stuff mean more energy for what really matters?
Continued...Keep moving forward
You may not know how or where to begin—only that it’s time to start. You may not know exactly what to pack for your trip, what you’ll need for the journey. You may not know the turn-by-turn route to your destination. You may not get from Point A to Point B in the quickest, most […]
Continued...Are you waiting until you’re happy to smile?
I was out and about in the world today and noticed something striking, something peculiar. Hardly anyone was smiling. Not the people I passed on the sidewalk. Not those driving in their cars. I saw couples sitting together at restaurants with barely a smile between them. I saw clerks in stores and customers at cafes […]
Continued...Is balance your measuring stick for living fully? Not me.
There are some 35,800,000 results when you Google “work-life balance”. Over 35 million results… It seems many are looking for balance. I’ll admit, the quest for balance has never really resonated with me. Take work-life balance. Does work-life balance mean you spend half your time at work and the other half on your life? Is […]
Continued...On the one hand, I’m all for less is more
Many women are trying to subtract things from their lives. …eat less …spend less …get rid of clutter …be less stressed Less is more There’s a movement underway to get back to the basics. To move away from possession-cluttered, debt-overloaded, work-burdened, and time-starved lives. To make lifestyle choices that minimize the “more is better” mindset—and […]
Continued...Do you need to finally decide whether to make a career change?
At some point, you have to stop thinking and step through the door. I see it all the time: Someone is thinking and thinking and thinking about doing something, but never actually walks through the proverbial door to do it. Recently, a new client came to me who has been thinking about making a career […]
Continued...Are you going where the energy is?
It’s amazing how many people fight their energy instead of going where the energy is. Some fall into situations that are energy depleting and then are willing to stay trapped. Others encounter great surges of energy, but fight the source if it doesn’t fit with the expected path they thought their life would take. Going […]
Continued...Here’s my question: How can you make it easier?
“There seems to be some perverse human characteristic that likes to make easy things difficult.” —Warren Buffet There does seem to be a tendency in people (me included!) to make things much more difficult than they have to be. Do you find yourself saying any of these or something similar? I’m overwhelmed. There’s so much […]
Continued...A big question for just three little words: Who are you?
Who are you? It’s a big question for just three little words. What’s your inclination for answering? Is it to state your vital statistics—name, age, marital status, occupation, education level, whether you have kids, etc? Or is it to answer with a question in return: What do you mean, who am I? I’ve found most […]