• How to leverage Law of Attraction to your advantage

    It’s easy to discount something when it sounds weird or we don’t understand it. While the language of Law of Attraction is commonplace to me these days, I certainly remember what it was like when that wasn’t the case. And so I thought I’d explore a little Law of Attraction vocabulary. But here’s the thing. […]

  • Are you keeping what you don’t want?

    Are you resisting what you want? Are you resisting your own desire? Most of us want to answer, No, of course not! Why would I go against the very thing I want? Why would I do anything to prevent what I want from happening? But many of us are doing just that. We are inadvertently […]

  • Love Your Life #239: Are you trying to steer the river?

    Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Today we’re going to talk about how everything you want is downstream, but you have to let go of the oars and stop trying to steer the river.  To access this episode, join LYL Premium. This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn… Five […]

  • Are you efforting your way through life?

    Are you enjoying your long To Do list and efforting your way through life? Are you enjoying taking massive action and making incremental progress? Are you enjoying the results you get when you take action from a frustrated, overwhelmed place? Many of us are taking massive action in an attempt to compensate for the fact […]

  • Are your daily decisions and actions downstream?

    This post is about how I run a downstream business. I’m going to share examples from my coaching practice and business about what I mean by downstream. I want you to look for Law of Attraction behind the examples. Because that’s really the point: To see how daily decisions can be made and actions taken […]

  • Love Your Life #217: Here’s how I run a downstream business

    Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Today we’re going to talk about how I run a downstream business—and why this episode applies to you even if you’re not a business owner. To access this episode, join LYL Premium. This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn… How my definition of […]

  • Are you asking questions for which you don’t have answers?

    How often do you have a new desire for something you want to manifest and feel really excited…only to shift rather quickly to thinking about how you are going to get what you want and feel a whole let less excited? Does that sound familiar? Instead of excitement and positive expectation about your new desire, […]

  • Are you all in for inspired action?

    I’ve noticed a couple things recently about inspired action versus striving action. How easily we slip into striving action when we perceive things aren’t going our way. How easily we lose sight of what should always come before action. I’m realizing it’s like an onion. You peel back a layer of striving, efforting action and […]

  • 11 ways to get in receiving mode

    Step 3 of manifesting is Receive. Meaning you have to be in receiving mode if you want to actually bring your desired manifestation into your physical reality. Step 3 is, by far, the step for which most of my clients seek coaching. Many have mastered Steps 1 and 2: Ask and Believe, but Step 3…not […]

  • Love Your Life #089: 11 distinctions to help you receive what you want

    Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Today we’re going to talk about 11 distinctions to help you receive what you want. To access this episode, join LYL Premium. This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn… One of my favorite distinctions of all time (spoiler alert: It’s about ease) When […]