• Love Your Life #334: While your choice of action may be limited…

    Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Today we’re going to talk about why all your power is in your choice of thought. To access this episode, join LYL Premium. This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn… A question about your relationship to a piece of key LoA wisdom What […]

  • What have you been giving your attention to?

    What have you been giving your attention to? I’ve done a number of podcast episodes about attention, about focus, and yet here we are again. Why is that? If you take a look at the Love Your Life index, which you can find at Jennifer365.com/index, you will find nearly 50 episodes that are in some […]

  • Love Your Life #307: Where you’re giving your attention is everything

    Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Today we’re going to talk about the most valuable LoA skill you could ever develop. This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn… Why I’m talking about something I’ve already done nearly 50 episodes about What it means to be willy-nilly with your attention […]

  • Too many of us are giving our attention to unwanted

    “For every pleasing thing, there is an unpleasing counterpart, for within every particle of the Universe is that which is wanted as well as the lack of that which is wanted. When you focus upon an unwanted aspect of something in an effort to push it away from you, it only comes closer, because you […]

  • Love Your Life #295: For every pleasing thing, there’s an unpleasing counterpart

    Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Today we’re going to talk about how your attention to unwanted can’t defy the Law of Attraction. This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn… The simple concept most of us understand but don’t use in a way that serves us What focusing on […]

  • Love Your Life #292: When you think too much about what you want

    Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Today we’re going to talk about whether you could be thinking too much about what you want to manifest. To access this episode, join LYL Premium. This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn… Whether thinking too much or too little about your desire is […]

  • Do you know these 7 things about Law of Attraction?

    There are so many ways to understand Law of Attraction. Great explanations, analogies, quotes. Just when I think I really “get” LoA, I read or hear something—perhaps even something I’d read or heard before—and yet it lands in a new way. My understanding is deepened or expanded. Other times I actively seek all those great […]

  • Love Your Life #264: Are you making the best of it?

    Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Today we’re going to talk about the way to make your future better and better is to make the best of right now. To access this episode, join LYL Premium. This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn… Words that might rub you the wrong […]

  • Love Your Life #262: Are you thinking about debt?

    Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Today we’re going to talk about the importance of focus when it comes to manifesting—and how paying attention to what you don’t want holds you back. To access this episode, join LYL Premium. This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn… The reason focusing […]

  • Love Your Life #215: Are you trusting and teaching?

    Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Today we’re going to talk about trusting and teaching as we look at these concepts through the lens of Law of Attraction. To access this episode, join LYL Premium. This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn… How you could be compromising your own […]