I love doing Law of Attraction experiments
I love testing out the premise that my thoughts do, indeed, create my reality. I’m a believer, for sure. It really didn’t take any convincing when about a year ago I became obsessed with Law of Attraction. At the same time, I also like proving it. I like being the scientist and studying my own […]
Love Your Life #021: The Universe gives me a hug, high-five & wink
Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Today we’re going to talk about how you can do Law of Attraction experiments and I’m going to share my story of the Universe giving me a hug, high-five & wink. Here’s my question to you: Are you interested in proving that Law of Attraction works […]
Dear Intuition, thanks for always being there
I’ve been writing letters to my intuition. That would have sounded crazy to me even a couple years ago. I used to say I didn’t hear that inner voice. Or maybe I didn’t have one. But I’m realizing my intuition actually has quite a lot to say. If I’m willing to quiet the external chatter […]
Do these thoughts make you feel bad?
Ellen hurt my feeling when she turned down my invitation. I’m worried whether I’ll get the promotion at work. My presentation needs to be absolutely perfect. I’m so confused and really don’t know what to do. I want to start my own business, but am afraid of failing. Sue didn’t seem very pleased with my […]
Everything has to be perfect vs. Done is better than perfect
The perfect holiday. The perfect performance. The perfect house. The perfect life. Everything has to be perfect. You can’t make mistakes. Failing is unacceptable. You have to be perfect. The perfectionist mindset creates this reality: Before you even swing your legs out of bed in the morning and put your feet on the floor, you […]
Mini mission—Stop being so unrealistic
This one is about unrealistic expectations. But not the ones others have for you. No, these are the worst kind: The ones you place on yourself. The Planner in me is overly optimistic about how much can get done in an hour or a day. The Doer in me is really pissed off a lot […]
Mini Mission—Edit your life
Ever been handed an edited version of something you’ve written? Notice how deleting a word here and sentence there makes the whole thing flow more smoothly? How editing makes it easier to read and understand? Makes it better. Well, our lives are like that too. When we edit to remove the unnecessary, a new coherent whole […]
Do you feel like you’re enough?
I had an epiphany of sort a few days ago: I am enough. I’ve read about feeling enough. Heard about it. Wanted it. But I’ve never felt it. Not truly. Not through and through. I’m not sure how it happened exactly. There’s been a lot jettisoned over the last few years. Peeling off expectations. Shedding […]
Sometimes it’s not the grand gesture
The UPS guy delivered a package to me yesterday. He rang the doorbell, but I was on a call and only got to the door as he was driving away. I found not only my package on the doorstep, but also the two empty recycling bins that had been out at the curb that morning […]
Wake up to your best life
Do you have the courage to wake up and live life on purpose? What would it take to quiet the voices of everyone but yourself and follow your own lead? What would it mean to reinvent yourself? Each of us is unique. And when we default to a life that doesn’t celebrate that uniqueness on […]