I had an epiphany of sort a few days ago: I am enough.
I’ve read about feeling enough. Heard about it. Wanted it. But I’ve never felt it.
Not truly. Not through and through.
I’m not sure how it happened exactly.
There’s been a lot jettisoned over the last few years.
- Peeling off expectations.
- Shedding “shoulds”.
- Discarding people pleasing.
- Casting off perfection.
Essentially letting go of anything not fundamentally and authentically me.
And this “enough business” has also meant a fair amount of embracing.
- Embracing what gives me energy.
- Embracing my definition of success.
- Embracing flexibility over security.
- Embracing simple over struggle.
- Embracing the journey.
After adding and subtracting, I’m enough.
Maybe I was all along. But now I feel it.
What about you? What’s your relationship to “enough”?