• These 6 habits guarantee life is a struggle

    Are you crazy busy? Do you tend to complicate things? Find yourself getting stuck in confusion? Are any of those how you get in your own way? Or maybe you’re easily distracted. And struggle with what’s a priority—and what’s not. Even find yourself putting productivity ahead of people. If any of these sound familiar, read […]

  • Read this if overwhelm is your kryptonite

    Last week I was discussing a big work project with a friend. OK, full disclosure: “Discussing” might be a little misleading. There was a fair amount of whining on my part and kvetching about whether I’d meet my year-end deadline. I whined about the ever-expanding size and scope of the task at hand. I droned […]

  • Why my carry-on bag has me questioning life

    I recently returned from a 17-day adventure in Paris. And I can’t stop thinking about my carry-on. I took a compact 20″ hardside spinner that fit with room to spare in the overhead. In it were my favorite clothes and must-have essentials. Even with only 20 x 14 x 9 inches, I packed more than […]

  • 31 ways to get unstuck & inspired

    Are you in a rut? Do you feel like you’ve lost your mojo? Here are 31 ways to get unstuck and inspired—and create the life you crave. Mindset matters. Choose yours with intention. Slow down and savor—the moment, the day, your life. Be willing to do the work. You’re worth it. Say no with ease […]

  • Are you confused and uncertain about what to do next?

    A client, let’s call her Ann, was complaining about a lack of clarity in her business. I feel fuzzy about who my ideal client really is. Which means I’m also not feeling confident about the services I’m offering—or not offering.  Ann’s marketing strategy was so multi-pronged and complicated that even she got confused trying to […]

  • Isn’t it time to reclaim your energy?

    I just hate tolerations. Those pesky energy drains that have a sneaky way of accumulating. One becomes two becomes many. It’s the conversation you don’t have even though you know you need to. It’s the To Do you leave undone, moving it to tomorrow’s list, over and over. It’s the boundary you don’t set and […]

  • If what you focus on multiplies, you’d better think twice

    You’ve probably heard some version of this expression: Whatever you focus your attention on multiplies, expands, grows. But are you using this adage to your advantage? Consider your thoughts over the past hour. What were you focused on? What was the internal dialogue running through your mind? What about during the past week? What were […]

  • I’m just not energized by my work anymore

    I recently worked with two women, each who came to coaching with her own unique version of I’m not energized by my work anymore. Too much on her plate The first client had too much on her plate. And it didn’t get there by accident. Poor boundaries and people pleasing had her saying “yes” too […]

  • Believing change is difficult doesn’t help

    I’m not suggesting change is always a piece of cake, but believing it will be difficult certainly doesn’t help. Time and again I’ve witnessed two people set a similar goal: Change careers, lose weight, downsize overhead, launch a business… Granted, these are unique individuals with distinct life situations and differing skills. But what I see over […]

  • On the one hand, I’m all for less is more

    Many women are trying to subtract things from their lives. …eat less …spend less …get rid of clutter …be less stressed Less is more There’s a movement underway to get back to the basics. To move away from possession-cluttered, debt-overloaded, work-burdened, and time-starved lives. To make lifestyle choices that minimize the “more is better” mindset—and […]