Love Your Life #237: Are you wishy-washy in your vibration because of this?
Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Today we’re going to talk about how you could be introducing a wobble in your vibration when it comes to what you’re planning. This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn… Two common ways you can get a wishy-washy wobble in your vibration What’s […]
Dear Abby: Why asking experts is a problem
I think tapping into your own intuition, your own inner knowing, is way better than getting advice from a quote-unquote expert. Dear Abby might have knowledge, but not your inner knowing. Your Inner Being will always rise above the expert. I’m using “Dear Abby” as a catchall…this includes looking to experts for your answers, living by […]
Do these thoughts make you feel bad?
Ellen hurt my feeling when she turned down my invitation. I’m worried whether I’ll get the promotion at work. My presentation needs to be absolutely perfect. I’m so confused and really don’t know what to do. I want to start my own business, but am afraid of failing. Sue didn’t seem very pleased with my […]
You’re too old and just not that lucky
One of my superpowers is detecting limiting beliefs and false assumptions. They’re rotten for your confidence and your future. You know, thoughts like I’m just not lucky or I’m too old to make a career change. Here’s what I believe: There are enough external obstacles in life without putting internal ones in your way too. […]
Those are the facts, but what’s the story?
You hit the snooze a few times, try on four outfits before settling on what to wear, and get stuck in traffic on your way to work. Those are the facts. But what’s the story you tell? Is it: Once upon a time I had a horrible, awful, terrible start to my day. I can […]
You need to read this if you’re a worry-wart
Worry is a slippery thing. On the one hand, it feels like something positive you’re doing. An expression of caring about someone or something. You worry… your recent graduate will have trouble finding a “real” job. your spouse won’t get the promotion at work. your sibling isn’t taking care of his health. your friend is […]
ALERT! ALERT! What you say to yourself matters
Are you a nice person? Or do you belittle others and make them feel bad about themselves? Do you harp on people’s weaknesses and call them names? Do you make others feel they’re not good enough or acceptable as they are? I’m guessing your answer is, That’s awful! Of course I don’t say and do […]
What makes you think you know what’s best for others?
I don’t know what’s best for you. Or anyone else for that matter. And you don’t know what’s best for me. Or anyone else for that matter. Since those statements hold true for you, me, and everyone, this stands out: There’s a whole lot of advice giving going on. Usually unsolicited. Often disempowering. Here’s what […]
What do you do after you say, I don’t know how?
What do you do after you say, I don’t know how? I’d like to find more meaningful work, but I don’t know how. I’d like to start a blog, but I don’t know how. I’d love to try travel hacking, but don’t know how to do it. I know it’s time to negotiate a higher […]
4 disempowering things you need to stop doing
Life puts obstacles in our path, no doubt. But just as often we get in our own way. Here are four disempowering habits to drop today. 1. Letting your past predict your future. Your past is just that — past. There doesn’t have to be a straight line from where you’ve been to where you’re […]