Do you feel good or bad when you look at your vision board?
Do you have a vision board? If so, do you feel excited and uplifted when you look at it? Do you feel positive expectation and appreciation for what’s coming? Are you enjoying the evolution of your desire? Or do you look at your vision board and feel disappointed—doubtful you’ll get what you want? Are you […]
Love Your Life #105: Are you feeding your doubt? Please stop.
Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Today we’re going to talk about doubt and what it’s creating—or should I say mis-creating—in your life. This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn… The helpful way Abraham describes doubt How doubt can creep in and throw off your desired manifestation Why I […]
Are you stuck in regret?
Are you stuck in regret? Do you keep reactivating something from your past that causes you to feel gunky—a sense of loss, disappointment, or dissatisfaction about something from your past? Perhaps you have regret about a decision you made—that you now wish you’d decided differently. Maybe you regret something you did or didn’t do. Maybe […]
Here are four things negative emotion is telling you
Many of us are feeling negative emotion, but misunderstanding what it’s telling us. So let’s start there. Here are four things negative emotion is telling you. 1. When you experience negative emotion, it means you are thinking about what you don’t want or don’t like. “Every negative emotion, no matter how strong or mild it […]
Be careful: What you focus on multiplies
What you focus on multiplies. Not sure if that’s true? Just give it a whirl. Hop on the negativity train Spend a few minutes thinking about things that annoy you and people who irritate you. List your gripes and grievances. Think about the store clerk who was rude to you and the driver who cut […]
My trip to the mall ends in irritation and disappointment
Not long ago Hans and I were at the mall on a Saturday to have lunch. I’d been looking forward to the outing all week. Well, somehow we got our signals crossed. Hans was thinking lunch and no shopping. And I was thinking lunch and lots of shopping. I’m sure you know where this is […]
Are your thoughts in the direction of joy?
To better understand the Law of Attraction, see yourself as a magnet attracting unto you the essence of that which you are thinking and feeling. And so, if you are feeling fat, you cannot attract thin. If you feel poor, you cannot attract prosperity, and so on. It defies Law. —The Law of Attraction: The […]
Bad behavior: When you get in your own way
Tolerations are things you’re reluctantly putting up with—and can include your own behavior. While there are 8 types of tolerations, Behavior tolerations can be particularly exasperating because it’s you you’re putting up with. For example, do you work too many hours and over promise at work? Do a lot of mindless eating and get too […]
10 things to do after a setback
There are all the inspiring quotes about setbacks: Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm. —Winston Churchill Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat. —F. Scott Fitzgerald Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success. —Dale […]
Garbage in, garbage out: Be careful what you ask
Our brains are wired to answer questions. Where do you need to give yourself permission? What will increase your chance of success? If you knew you could not fail, what would do? What strengths can you leverage? See what I mean? You couldn’t help but start to formulate answers. Our brains just go to work […]