• Love Your Life #314: Are you demanding instead of expecting?

    Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Today we’re going to talk about where you are vibrationally in relation to the Stream of Well-being. To access this episode, join LYL Premium. This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn… A coaching session confession about orchestrating and manipulating Why your beliefs about the […]

  • Here’s how you can bypass needing to believe circumstances are neutral

    One of the core tenets of Law of Attraction is this: Circumstances are neutral. Circumstances are not good or bad, they are neutral. It is your thoughts about a circumstance that cause your feelings, whether that be positive emotion or negative emotion. For instance, not getting the raise is the neutral circumstance. Your thought about […]

  • Love Your Life #222: If you have trouble with the idea circumstances are neutral

    Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Today we’re going to talk about a strategy to help you be a more deliberate creator if you’ve been pushing against the LoA tenet that circumstances are neutral. To access this episode, join LYL Premium. This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn… What […]

  • Is what you are observing what you want?

    I attended an Abraham workshop last November in Dallas and the entire experience was incredibly expansive and high vibe. From start to finish, it was such a delightful experience. As always, so much of what I heard from Abraham resonated that day, but there has been one phrase that continues to call to me. Abraham […]

  • Love Your Life #114: Only things of the same vibration can join you

    Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Today we’re going to talk about the vibration you are offering to which Law of Attraction is responding. To access this episode, join LYL Premium. This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn… About an Abraham book I am re-reading that’s expanding my understanding […]

  • Does it serve you to be triggered—by anything?

    This post is about being triggered. I want to be very clear upfront: I’m not qualified to talk about triggers that result from trauma. This episode is not about PTSD triggers. I’m talking about a more casual use of this term, such as when someone says, I didn’t get the job offer and that triggered […]

  • Who is responsible for your happiness?

    “Tell everyone you know: ‘My happiness depends on me, so you’re off the hook.’ And then demonstrate it. Be happy, no matter what they’re doing. Practice feeling good, no matter what. And before you know it, you will not give anyone else responsibility for the way you feel—and then, you’ll love them all. Because the […]

  • Love Your Life #050: 50 things I love about Law of Attraction

    Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Today we’re going to talk about 50 things I love about Law of Attraction. To access this episode, join LYL Premium. This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn… How LoA has shifted my focus from the destination to the journey The magical way […]

  • Love Your Life #049: “My happiness depends on me, so you’re off the hook.”

    Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Today we’re going to talk about who is responsible for your happiness. To access this episode, join LYL Premium. This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn… The Abraham quote you will either love or hate about happiness The many meanings you can give […]