Law of Attraction: vibration

Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction.

Today we’re going to talk about the vibration you are offering to which Law of Attraction is responding.

This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn…

  • About an Abraham book I am re-reading that’s expanding my understanding of vibration
  • The direct connection between your vibrational output and what shows up in your life
  • The very simple question you can ask that will tell you all you need to know about your vibration
  • What happens when you split your vibration with ambivalence or say positive-sounding words you don’t feel
  • The vibrational opportunity you have when your bank statement doesn’t match up to your desire for more money in your bank account
  • Why journaling about all the drama that’s going on in your life could keep you vibrationally locked in place
  • Three tips to guide you in tending to your vibration


“As you think, you vibrate. And it is your vibrational offering that equals your point of attraction. So what you are thinking and what is coming back to you is always a vibrational match.” —Abraham


Manifest with Ease: Law of Attraction Simplified

thoughts: an LoA pattern

31 Days of LoA: The Abundance Series

How to Use the Emotional Scale

31 Days of LoA: Tweak Your Vibration