• Do you have one of these blind spots?

    Every now and again, someone tells me Law of Attraction isn’t working for them. They say they are doing all the “right” LoA things, but what they want just isn’t manifesting. They see Law of Attraction working in the lives of others, but not theirs. It can certainly seem like that because we’re not able […]

  • Love Your Life #109: It’s time to raise your standards & your vibration

    Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Today we’re going to talk about five ways you can raise your personal standards, thereby improving your point of attraction. To access this episode, join LYL Premium. Here’s my question to you: Do you think you need to raise your standards? You’ll soon find out! This […]

  • Do you have these 9 prosperity blocks?

    What is prosperity? My definition of prosperity is when you are thriving and flourishing in all aspects of your life. So prosperity is not just financial. “Indeed, you are prosperous to the degree that you are experiencing peace, health, happiness and plenty in your world.” —Catherine Ponder Are you experiencing peace, health, happiness, and plenty? […]

  • 5 ways to know if it’s high vibe or trying to fill a hole

    The distinction between high vibe versus trying to fill a hole can apply to anything, but seems particularly relevant when it comes to personal development. So think about the books you read, workshops you attend, classes you take, courses you enroll in, podcasts you listen to… How do you know if taking that class about […]

  • Do you know what you are attracting right now?

    You might be tempted to answer with whatever it is you’re thinking about. So if you’re thinking about money or a great relationship, you might say that’s what you are attracting. Well, your thoughts are certainly part of the equation. But your thoughts are not the whole story. Remember: Your thoughts create your feelings. And […]

  • 6 ways you are creating your life by default

    Many of us have been creating our lives by default. And that means we get some of what we want and invariably some—maybe even a lot—of what we don’t want. You are constantly creating. You’re doing it right now. It’s simply whether you create by default—unconsciously—or whether you create intentionally, consciously, deliberately. “Giving thought to […]

  • Your strengths are where it’s easy. What are you waiting for?

    I’m not the quickest when it comes to math beyond calculating the tip on a restaurant bill. I have zero talent when it comes to DIY home improvement projects. I’m on the lazy side when it comes to physical labor of pretty much any kind. And I’m definitely not the one you want in charge […]

  • Happy women water their own grass (and how you can too)

    It’s easy to look over there and see something you don’t have. Something better. Something you want. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.  Or at least it can seem that way. You look around and see your neighbor’s bigger house and newer car. You see your friend’s happy marriage […]

  • If what you focus on multiplies, you’d better think twice

    You’ve probably heard some version of this expression: Whatever you focus your attention on multiplies, expands, grows. But are you using this adage to your advantage? Consider your thoughts over the past hour. What were you focused on? What was the internal dialogue running through your mind? What about during the past week? What were […]

  • Do you live in the land of lack?

    Dearth. Deficit. Deprivation. Deficiency. There’s never enough. Enough time. Enough money. Enough connections. Enough knowledge. I’ve encountered this scarcity mentality a lot lately. In fact, oxymoron that it is: Some people seem to thrive on lacking something. They seem to have a surplus of deficiency. What’s your filter? It’s one thing to be aware of a gap […]