Is the way you’re living full of magic?
Is the way you’re living full of magic? By magic I don’t mean pulling rabbits out of a hat unless that’s your thing. I mean magical in the sense you feel the presence of the Universe at work for you in your life. You experience serendipity on a regular basis. Magical in the sense you […]
Love Your Life #081: A personal story about manifesting with ease
Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Today we’re going to talk about manifesting with ease—and I’ll share a personal story of doing just that. This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn… The old school way of trying to make things happen versus the LoA way of manifesting with ease […]
Love Your Life #079: Magical versus Manual: How are you living?
Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Today we’re going to talk about the very real difference between a magical vs. manual approach to living. This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn… How to do life differently if you’ve been efforting your way upstream 5 questions you can ask to […]
Love Your Life #078: Is what you want making you feel bad?
Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Today we’re going to talk about five reasons you might be feeling bad about what you want. This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn… What Abraham says pure desire feels like vs. the uncomfortable feeling many of us experience when it comes to […]
A Law of Attraction approach to procrastination
It’s funny how much my perspective has changed. Since my obsession with Law of Attraction the way I look at so many things is different. And one of those things is procrastination. I chuckle a bit when I think about the fact that I used to actually give workshops on how to combat procrastination. I […]
How to manifest without hustle and hard work
The other day I had a good laugh with a friend. We were talking about two very different experiences I had creating courses related to my work. And the laugh my friend and I shared started with the names of the two courses. So here they are: Course #1: GainControl Course #2: Manifest with Ease […]
5 reasons you might feel bad about what you want
Is what you want making you feel bad? On the surface, that might seem like a strange question. But I’m noticing so many of us are feeling bad about or because of what we want. So what’s going on? Why would something we want—some goal we want to achieve or shiny penny we want to […]
What do you love about Law of Attraction?
I want to share 50 things I love about Law of Attraction. These are in no particular order—just what easily came to mind as I reflected on what I’ve gained over the past year and 8 months because of my obsession with all things Law of Attraction. Hopefully something on my list of 50 things […]
Upstream vs. Downstream: How are you living?
One of my very favorite LoA concepts is upstream vs. downstream. It makes so much sense and it’s easy to apply in real life. Now, I’d never even heard of upstream vs. downstream before my obsession with all things Law of Attraction. But the minute I learned about this concept, I knew I had a […]
4 ways hard work is not the path to Well-Being
How many of us think hard work is the path to all the things we want in life? The abundance, the lifestyle, the achievement of goals. Many of us were raised to believe hard work is how you get what you want in life. How you’re able to accomplish and achieve. Many of us believe […]