How to apply these 8 Abraham quotes to your real life
While there are certainly many other resources for learning about Law of Attraction, Abraham continues to be my favorite teachers. You’ll find me reading or listening to Abraham on a near daily basis. Listening to Abraham is often one of the ways I get in alignment. It’s not surprising I often come across a quote from […]
Love Your Life #103: The right kind of discipline (it’s not what you think)
Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Today we’re going to talk about why you want to shift away from old school self-discipline. To access this episode, join LYL Premium. This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn… Why I get a cold chill when I hear the word “discipline” How […]
I trained myself to do things in a controlled and habitual way
This is a post about discipline. Honestly, I get a cold chill even saying the word. For me, discipline doesn’t bring up anything that feels particularly high vibe. That’s because my past relationship with discipline was very much the dictionary definition, which is: “train oneself to do something in a controlled and habitual way.” I […]
A Law of Attraction approach to procrastination
It’s funny how much my perspective has changed. Since my obsession with Law of Attraction the way I look at so many things is different. And one of those things is procrastination. I chuckle a bit when I think about the fact that I used to actually give workshops on how to combat procrastination. I […]
Love Your Life #053: What to do: Your alignment practice no longer works
Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Today we’re going to talk about why it’s not a problem when your alignment practice stops working. To access this episode, join LYL Premium. This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn… The important distinction between an alignment practice and a morning routine Why […]
The problem with morning routines and alignment
Morning routines and rituals can be a great anchor for your alignment practice. But here’s a cautionary tale about alignment and routines and rituals. I have a client who recently wanted to create a new morning routine. She spent a lot of time thinking about what her routine would consist of and what would be […]
Maybe it’s not a lack of willpower…but a missing skill
You’re asked to use software completely unfamiliar to you… You try a complicated new cooking technique… You take on new responsibilities at work outside your expertise…. What happens? You struggle. At least at first. And if you never build the skill or acquire the knowledge you need, you’ll probably continue to struggle. Gap in skills and […]
Is your mind working against you?
Recently I was talking with a woman who is struggling in her business. Let’s call her Susan. Susan shared she doesn’t have enough clients. When I asked for specifics, she said, I have 8 clients. I need 15 to make a living. Here’s our conversation from there: Me: What thought do you have about the […]
How to outlast the honeymoon phase of your big goal
Big goals often have a honeymoon phase—a period where you’re excited, everything seems possible, and you’re 100% engaged. But then the newness starts to wear off. You don’t feel quite as enthusiastic. Life starts to intrude. You get busy at work. Or your child gets sick. Your calendar fills with activities. Relatives visit. You take […]
You just have to take the next right step
Getting into action is often easier said than done. Anyone who says differently is either fibbing or has lived a truly grace-filled life. There are many days when it would be easier to be consumed by inertia in its many forms…sleeping in late, watching reruns of shows that weren’t that great the first time, reading […]