10 ways clutter is in the way of leveraging Law of Attraction
Do you know what very often gets in the way of simplicity and ease? Clutter. I’d never made a connection between Law of Attraction and clutter, but then recently I had one of those lightning bolt moments where I thought: Oh my gosh, of course they’re related. Of course clutter gets in the way of […]

Love Your Life #040: What decluttering has to do with Law of Attraction
Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Today we’re going to talk about what decluttering has to do with Law of Attraction. Here’s my question to you: Is clutter getting in your way when it comes to leveraging Law of Attraction? You’ll soon find out! This episode is perfect for anyone who wants […]

What one result do you most want to achieve in the next 90 days?
I’m not trying to nag. At the same time, I want to hold you accountable for your goals. You said you want ____ [go ahead, fill in the blank]. Maybe you want to launch a blog or leave a soul-sapping job. Maybe your goal is to declutter your house or re-enter the dating world. Or […]

Yeah, but I can’t ignore the rest of my emails
This is Part 2 of a post about inbox zero. Be sure to check out Part 1: Why inbox zero is the wrong measuring stick I typically get pushback at this point about the argument against inbox zero. The “Yeah, but…” begins. Yeah, but I can’t ignore the rest of my emails. Yeah, but I […]

Mini mission—Take the next step
There’s something you want. Some goal you want to achieve. Or milestone you want to reach. Maybe it’s launch a business. Or lose 20 pounds. Maybe it’s write that book. Or run a marathon. Maybe it’s take that trip. Or change careers. Maybe it’s declutter and simplify. Or move across country. Whatever your goal, it […]

Would a body double help you stop procrastinating?
A friend recently shared a strategy from her line of work that had me nodding my head and saying, Yes, yes! That’s true in my world too! The strategy: Having a body double. (No, probably not the kind you’re thinking.) My friend, Susan, is a professional organizer and ADD specialist. In Susan’s world, a body […]

Not everything in life can be equally important
There’s a movement underway to get back to the basics. To move away from possession-cluttered, debt-overloaded, work-burdened, and time-starved lives. To make lifestyle choices that minimize the “more is better” mindset, and maximize the reality that simplicity means more time, balance, and satisfaction. It means less not more Simplicity is clarifying what matters most and […]

Are you addressing symptoms or root causes?
A number of my clients stress over feeling disorganized. They talk about finding the right time management system, decluttering once and for all, or finding a new and improved way to tackle their To Do list. Unfortunately, none of those strategies address the root cause of the problem. Which means the symptoms associated with feeling […]

Mini Mission—Edit your life
Ever been handed an edited version of something you’ve written? Notice how deleting a word here and sentence there makes the whole thing flow more smoothly? How editing makes it easier to read and understand? Makes it better. Well, our lives are like that too. When we edit to remove the unnecessary, a new coherent whole […]

Mini Mission—Lighten your load by removing one thing
Sometimes we think major effort and grand sweeping gestures are necessary to create change in our lives. It’s true an overhaul is sometimes required. But other times change begins with the smallest step, the tiniest of actions. Take lightening your load, for instance. You could lighten your load by: Decluttering your house from top to […]