It’s no fun being addicted to approval
I used to want everyone to like me. And I wanted everyone around me to be happy. More to the point, I was driven to be accepted, to be approved of, to be liked. To be considered a nice person. It wasn’t a pretty picture. Addicted to approval I said yes to client requests that […]
Are you living without margin?
Living without margin means… Back-to-back appointments. Errands stacked like dominoes, one after the other. Deadlines with no time to spare. Everything blurred together in an endless, task-driven loop. Getting through this so you can go on to that. No wiggle room. No breathing room. A life with margin means… a ridiculously doable To Do list sensible expectations unclouded by […]
Bad behavior: When you get in your own way
Tolerations are things you’re reluctantly putting up with—and can include your own behavior. While there are 8 types of tolerations, Behavior tolerations can be particularly exasperating because it’s you you’re putting up with. For example, do you work too many hours and over promise at work? Do a lot of mindless eating and get too […]
6 ways to gain energy
Do you wish you had more energy? After a wish for more time, a desire for more energy is probably the most frequent craving I hear from women. How to gain energy You can have more energy by simply doing two things: Think high-energy thoughts Make high-energy choices The array of high-energy thoughts and choices […]
8 ways to spring clean your mind
Winter is over and that can only mean one thing: It’s time for spring cleaning. This time of year makes us want to throw open the windows, air out the house, and do some deep cleaning. It feels good to let the sunshine in and make your surroundings shine and sparkle. And there’s no doubt […]
Your life purpose: 43 questions you need to ask yourself
Are you on autopilot, going through the motions, just getting by? Maybe feeling discontent and a little aimless. Are you struggling with your direction and purpose? If so, chances are you have Compass tolerations. Compass tolerations show up when you’re: Not fully engaged in some part of your life Living out of alignment with your […]
Are you worried people won’t like you if you set boundaries?
Boundaries act as a filter—letting in the good stuff that enhances you and keeping out the bad stuff that diminishes you. You may find it difficult to set boundaries because you put others’ needs and feelings first, feel you don’t have the right to declare what is and isn’t OK for you, and worry setting […]
Isn’t it time to reclaim your energy?
I just hate tolerations. Those pesky energy drains that have a sneaky way of accumulating. One becomes two becomes many. It’s the conversation you don’t have even though you know you need to. It’s the To Do you leave undone, moving it to tomorrow’s list, over and over. It’s the boundary you don’t set and […]
A friction-filled life is not just the way it is
Where’s the friction in your life? Where do you feel tension or experience resistance? Where is there disharmony or a drag on your energy? Friction comes in all shapes and sizes. Maybe it’s the strained relationship with your mother-in-law or last-minute requests from your boss. Maybe it shows up when you think about your retirement […]
I’m just not energized by my work anymore
I recently worked with two women, each who came to coaching with her own unique version of I’m not energized by my work anymore. Too much on her plate The first client had too much on her plate. And it didn’t get there by accident. Poor boundaries and people pleasing had her saying “yes” too […]