• When you’re annoyed with the idea of a silver lining

    The other day a client came to a coaching session saying she disagreed with a quote from Abraham. And she wanted that to be the focus of our session. I’m never interested vibrationally or otherwise in trying to talk anyone into believing a certain way or liking and embracing a particular bit of wisdom from […]

  • Love Your Life #259: Criticizing yourself is bad for manifesting

    Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Today we’re going to talk about why self-criticism is so bad for manifesting. This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn… The Louise Hay quote that stopped me in my tracks and has lead to a whole lot more self-love Why criticizing yourself or […]

  • Tale of two stories (Aka: What you focus on is what you get)

    A few years ago, Hans and I were between our old house and new digs. Construction delays on our new place meant moving into a hotel. What was originally supposed to be three months turned into six. That’s 173 days. But who’s counting. That’s where these two stories begin: We were 63 days into our […]

  • Is your glass half empty? It’s time for a Rampage of Appreciation.

    Did you know it’s impossible to feel crappy and grateful at the same time? Don’t believe me? Go ahead, try it. Think of something that makes you feel bad at the same time you’re thinking of something you’re thankful for. It’s impossible. Gratitude causes the less-than-great feeling to take a backseat. Which means gratitude is the Tool […]

  • What happens when you say “hard” and “difficult” dozens of times?

    I had coffee with a new acquaintance and she used the words “hard” and “difficult” at least three dozen times in a 30-minute period. I know because I started counting after the first few. Holding up a mirror Now, before you think I’m mean-spirited, I started counting because I wanted to give her constructive feedback. […]

  • 6 ways to gain energy

    Do you wish you had more energy? After a wish for more time, a desire for more energy is probably the most frequent craving I hear from women. How to gain energy You can have more energy by simply doing two things: Think high-energy thoughts Make high-energy choices The array of high-energy thoughts and choices […]

  • 31 ways to get unstuck & inspired

    Are you in a rut? Do you feel like you’ve lost your mojo? Here are 31 ways to get unstuck and inspired—and create the life you crave. Mindset matters. Choose yours with intention. Slow down and savor—the moment, the day, your life. Be willing to do the work. You’re worth it. Say no with ease […]

  • The good, bad, and ugly of your mindsets

    You’re familiar with the mindset of the glass being half full or half empty. It’s the exact same glass, but two people can see it very differently. It’s like the quote says: Be careful how you interpret the world: It is like that. This quote perfectly captures mindset at work. Because our interpretations of the […]

  • You can stop waiting. You have permission.

    Is there an area of your business where you’re waiting for permission? Permission to… Launch a new service Attend that conference Go after your ideal client Really “own” your personal brand Hire with confidence 
Say “no” to work that’s not a good fit Streamline your process Ask clients for referrals Charge more Reach out to […]

  • Everything has to be perfect vs. Done is better than perfect

    The perfect holiday. The perfect performance. The perfect house. The perfect life. Everything has to be perfect. You can’t make mistakes. Failing is unacceptable. You have to be perfect. The perfectionist mindset creates this reality: Before you even swing your legs out of bed in the morning and put your feet on the floor, you […]