5 ways to know if it’s high vibe or trying to fill a hole
The distinction between high vibe versus trying to fill a hole can apply to anything, but seems particularly relevant when it comes to personal development. So think about the books you read, workshops you attend, classes you take, courses you enroll in, podcasts you listen to… How do you know if taking that class about […]

Love Your Life #083: How to know if it’s high vibe versus trying to fill a hole
Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Today we’re going to talk about how to know when something is high vibe or trying to fill a hole. This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn… How we sometimes pursue personal development from a place of lack Why taking a class or […]

Is your group of 5 dragging you down?
You’ve probably heard the expression: You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with. While I’m pretty sure that’s not a scientific fact, it is food for thought. Another way to look at it is: Garbage in, garbage out. Of course, not that any person is garbage, but let’s face it: […]

Do you need to watch out for the big bad wolf?
Once upon a time…the sun is shining, the birds are singing, everything’s rosy, and all is right with the world. Success is in the air. You’re at the top of your game. Things are going smoothly. Just like a fairy tale. But is there something lurking in the shadows that could get in the way […]

Is it crazy to quit your job when you’re successful?
Remember a few years ago when I quit my job and everyone said I was crazy? Remember that? People said, But you’ve already invested so many years in your field. And, But the money! How are you going to replace a six-figure salary? And then there was this: You want to be WHAT!? A life […]

Do you need to go on a content consumption diet?
We live in a world where ideas have never been more accessible. Thought-provoking, life-enhancing, and useful content is just clicks away. I like to think of myself as a lifelong learner, but admit I’m also an idea junkie. I follow over 200 blogs through Feedly. I listen to dozens of podcasts each month. You can […]

5 ways to boost your confidence
Are you self-assured about your own abilities? Do you fully appreciate your own qualities? I recently conducted a reader survey that found many women are experiencing a crisis of confidence. It shows up in the form of self-doubt, limiting beliefs, and negative self-talk. Does that sound familiar? Do you want to play a bigger game, […]

The day I decided to move to Sweden
A few months ago I decided to move to Sweden. It was during the summer heatwave and the thought of a cooler climate sounded so appealing. As did being someplace more urban. I liked the idea of downsizing too. After all, Sweden is the birthplace of IKEA—the master at utilizing every inch of space with […]

What do you want to learn?
A new language? How to knit? Ways to be more patient? How to network effectively? To be a better golfer? To laugh more? Improve your photography skills? How to do that DIY project you’ve been putting off? Tackle French cooking? Master a new yoga pose? How to start a blog? To be a better communicator? […]

Have you had a teaching moment today?
I was having lunch with a friend the other day and the subject of LeBron James came up. My friend was appalled at LeBron’s decision to go to the Miami Heat. During our discussion, he said he used the primetime event as a teaching moment about selfishness with his young son. I love the idea of extracting […]