Love, Joy & High-Vibe Living: high vibe

Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction.

Today we’re going to talk about how to know when something is high vibe or trying to fill a hole.

This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn…

  • How we sometimes pursue personal development from a place of lack
  • Why taking a class or attending a workshop from a place of lack has unintended results
  • Five signs to know if a particular personal development activity is high vibe or whether you’re trying to fill a hole
  • What Louise Hay says about bullying yourself to improve
  • How chasing what others are reading and doing and learning is low vibe
  • Why so many of my clients who are already well versed in LoA come to me for coaching
  • The vibrational pitfall of looking to experts for your answers
  • Five new beliefs you can create to raise the vibration to which Law of Attraction is responding


“Whatever I need to know is revealed to me at exactly the right time.” —Louise Hay


Manifest with Ease: Law of Attraction Simplified

thoughts: an LoA pattern

31 Days of LoA: The Abundance Series

How to Use the Emotional Scale

31 Days of LoA: Tweak Your Vibration