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  • What if your only goal were to love well?

    what if your only goal were to love well to love family and friends and fully show up in all your relationships to love your co-workers and neighbors and the guy who cuts you off in traffic (oh, it’s getting harder now, isn’t it) to love your job and how you contribute to love the […]

  • How can I pursue my dream when my plate is already full?

    Here’s an email I received this week. I get some variation of this question frequently, so thought I’d share my perspective. Q: I work full-time for a company, but dream about starting my own business. I’m afraid it would be impossible to juggle with all my other responsibilities, including a husband and two kids. I […]

  • My manifesto revisited: 33 ways to live

    What do you believe in and stand for? What principles guide your daily thoughts and actions? How do you intend to live? I sat down one day last year and asked myself those very questions. An hour or so later, I had my manifesto, a declaration expressing my intentions and views. You can see the […]

  • The how will be revealed

    We don’t always know the smooth, straight path forward. We may not know it will take 42 steps, in this order, done this way. We often see only the destination in our mind’s eye when a journey begins. We don’t fully see the way or understand the means and manner. It’s OK. It’s OK some […]

  • 4 reasons you’re not achieving your goal

    A client recently wondered, Why do I keep having the same unrealized goals year after year? We’ve all experienced that disempowering feeling of setting the same goal—yet again. The one that’s left us stymied and frustrated in the past. The one we say we want to achieve, but fail to gain any sustainable traction around. […]

  • Keep moving

    Keep moving forward

    You may not know how or where to begin—only that it’s time to start. You may not know exactly what to pack for your trip, what you’ll need for the journey. You may not know the turn-by-turn route to your destination. You may not get from Point A to Point B in the quickest, most […]

  • Do you feel like you’re enough?

    I had an epiphany of sort a few days ago: I am enough. I’ve read about feeling enough. Heard about it. Wanted it. But I’ve never felt it. Not truly. Not through and through. I’m not sure how it happened exactly. There’s been a lot jettisoned over the last few years. Peeling off expectations. Shedding […]

  • How would you describe your life’s journey?

    Chances are there are a number of destinations you’ve planned along your life’s journey. Perhaps to get that promotion or have kids To get healthy or buy a house To spend more time with your family or write a book To go back to school or save for your kids’ education Then there are the […]