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  • How to manifest without hustle and hard work

    The other day I had a good laugh with a friend. We were talking about two very different experiences I had creating courses related to my work. And the laugh my friend and I shared started with the names of the two courses. So here they are: Course #1: GainControl Course #2: Manifest with Ease […]

  • Love Your Life #040: What decluttering has to do with Law of Attraction

    Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Today we’re going to talk about what decluttering has to do with Law of Attraction. Here’s my question to you: Is clutter getting in your way when it comes to leveraging Law of Attraction? You’ll soon find out! This episode is perfect for anyone who wants […]

  • In the beginning my intuition was clunky like dial-up

    “The only real valuable thing is intuition”. —Albert Einstein I admit—I had no firsthand experience of this thing called intuition until a few months ago. That’s when I first began writing letters to my intuition when I was stuck, had a problem, or needed advice. It was a one-off letter here or there. Very random. […]

  • Love Your Life #009: Dear Intuition is way better than Dear Abby

    Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Today we’re going to talk about intuition. This is one of my new favorite topics—as I’ve gone from thinking I didn’t have intuition to writing a daily letter to my intuition. So here’s my question: Do you have an empowering relationship with your intuition? You’ll soon […]

  • Your #1 energy drain is probably in the room with you

    Did you know the most common type of energy drain is what’s going on around you in your environment? Skeptical? Energy drain audit. Then do a quick scan of your environment. Because I can almost guarantee it will yield drains on your energy. It’s that pile of unfiled paperwork on your desk and the chip in your car windshield. It’s […]

  • 5 questions to figure out what you crave

    Some people are lucky. They’ve always known what they crave. Others (like me) have done the heavy lifting of exploration to figure it out. And still others are waiting. Hoping it will become clear. Hoping for a flash of insight. Well, the flash may indeed come, but what if it doesn’t? And while you’re waiting, […]