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  • Get everything you want—the hard way or the easy way

    I think you can have everything you want. And there are two ways to get it. One is the hard way and one is the easy way. The hard way The hard way is to effort your way there. Struggle, strive, lots of shoulds. Long To Do lists and project plans. Lots of doing things […]

  • The problem with morning routines and alignment

    Morning routines and rituals can be a great anchor for your alignment practice. But here’s a cautionary tale about alignment and routines and rituals. I have a client who recently wanted to create a new morning routine. She spent a lot of time thinking about what her routine would consist of and what would be […]

  • Two months in: The truth about writing to my intuition

    I’ve been writing a daily letter to my intuition since mid-November. So I’m 60+ letters in. And boy have I been surprised. In the past, I would’ve said I didn’t even have intuition. When people talked about this mysterious, wise something-or-other directing them, I really had no idea what they were talking about. If pressed, […]

  • Here’s what happens when you complain and criticize

    Many of us are on autopilot when it comes to behaviors and mindsets that lower our point of attraction. We complain and criticize. We find fault with others and judge all day long. And we don’t even realize we’re doing it. It’s just the backdrop of our daily lives. You blame your spouse for making […]

  • It’s no fun being addicted to approval

    I used to want everyone to like me. And I wanted everyone around me to be happy. More to the point, I was driven to be accepted, to be approved of, to be liked. To be considered a nice person. It wasn’t a pretty picture. Addicted to approval I said yes to client requests that […]

  • Tale of two stories (Aka: What you focus on is what you get)

    A few years ago, Hans and I were between our old house and new digs. Construction delays on our new place meant moving into a hotel. What was originally supposed to be three months turned into six. That’s 173 days. But who’s counting. That’s where these two stories begin: We were 63 days into our […]

  • Here’s what happened when I finally got fed up

    Does this sound familiar? You sort through the mail and find yet another promotional offer from one of your credit card companies. Or even worse, those dastardly cash advance checks. You know—the ones that try to tempt you into credit card debt while simultaneously making you fear unauthorized use if they get in the wrong […]

  • Is it hard to decide what to cut from your life?

    Our To Do lists are long, we’re in a perpetual state of overwhelm, and it feels like too many days are slipping away. But when it comes to deciding what commitments to cut, what obligations to drop, what stuff to get rid of, and what routines to simplify, we get stuck. We won’t even take […]

  • What happens when you say “hard” and “difficult” dozens of times?

    I had coffee with a new acquaintance and she used the words “hard” and “difficult” at least three dozen times in a 30-minute period. I know because I started counting after the first few. Holding up a mirror Now, before you think I’m mean-spirited, I started counting because I wanted to give her constructive feedback. […]

  • 5 ways to ward off energy vampires

    How to ward off energy vampires (try these 5 ways)

    The other day I woke up in a fine mood. The sun was shining. I felt grateful for the day ahead and full roster of clients. I was looking forward to my favorite wood-fired pizza for lunch. Life was good. Then the battle for my energy began. The energy battle A friend called to complain about […]