Mini Mission—Establish or renegotiate a boundary
How are your boundaries? Established and strong? Or vague (even to you, but especially to others) and weak? Many of my coaching clients are working on setting stronger boundaries as a critical component of self-care. They’re tired of saying “yes” when they really want to say “no.” They’re frustrated by taking on commitments and then […]
Believing change is difficult doesn’t help
I’m not suggesting change is always a piece of cake, but believing it will be difficult certainly doesn’t help. Time and again I’ve witnessed two people set a similar goal: Change careers, lose weight, downsize overhead, launch a business… Granted, these are unique individuals with distinct life situations and differing skills. But what I see over […]
What’s your type? Extraversion or Introversion?
Extraversion and Introversion are about how we get energized and where we direct our energy. Do you know which you’re wired for? Your preference sheds light on why certain situations are energizing or certain people draining. Why certain work environments bring out your best while others leave you distinctly out of sorts. For instance, if […]
Are you open to owning less?
For me, owning less stuff has meant less energy. Less energy coveting and shopping. Less energy cleaning and maintaining. Less energy working to support overhead. Are you open to owning less? Would spending less energy on stuff mean more energy for what really matters?
Mini Mission—Deal with an unfinished project
It’s time to get into action with a mini mission. Do you have unfinished projects nagging at the back of your mind? Are unfinished projects, whether work-related or at home, a constant reminder of something you “should” be doing? As you think about each unfinished project, one of two things needs to happen: Commit to […]
Are you dimming your light in these 33 ways?
I just reread Debbie Ford’s The Right Questions: Ten Essential Questions To Guide You To An Extraordinary Life. Quite simply, I love this book. I first read it back in 2003 and have probably reread it every year since. In addition, I sometimes just pull it from my bookshelf, let the pages fall open, and […]
Are you paying the price of inauthenticity?
The other night Hans came across a great quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson. “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” He knew the quote would resonate because as an INFJ on the Myers-Briggs I place a premium on authenticity. The quote sparked thoughts […]
Do you feel like you’re enough?
I had an epiphany of sort a few days ago: I am enough. I’ve read about feeling enough. Heard about it. Wanted it. But I’ve never felt it. Not truly. Not through and through. I’m not sure how it happened exactly. There’s been a lot jettisoned over the last few years. Peeling off expectations. Shedding […]
What if you stopped thinking in terms of negatives?
What if you reconnected with possibility. Rather than focusing on what you can’t do, what if you focused on what you can do. What if you focused on what is possible. What if you moved beyond your lengthy list of all that’s wrong and not working in your life—and get very clear about what is […]
Is balance your measuring stick for living fully? Not me.
There are some 35,800,000 results when you Google “work-life balance”. Over 35 million results… It seems many are looking for balance. I’ll admit, the quest for balance has never really resonated with me. Take work-life balance. Does work-life balance mean you spend half your time at work and the other half on your life? Is […]