Gunk of Low-Energy Living: light dimming choices
I just reread Debbie Ford’s The Right Questions: Ten Essential Questions To Guide You To An Extraordinary Life.

Quite simply, I love this book.

I first read it back in 2003 and have probably reread it every year since. In addition, I sometimes just pull it from my bookshelf, let the pages fall open, and revisit some gem.

Something different always resonates

Just as with any book, something different bubbles to the surface with each rereading. Depending on where I am in my life and what I’m struggling with or celebrating, something different resonates.

This last time, it was Debbie’s list of 33 light dimming life choices that stood out. What struck me was just how many times during any given day we have an opportunity to choose empowering, life-enhancing choices or, alternatively, to dim our light.

Are you making any of these light dimming choices?

  • “Shoulds”
  • “Have tos”
  • Perceived obligations
  • Trying to get others’ approval
  • Lying to yourself
  • Gossiping
  • Being late
  • Comparing yourself to others
  • Judging yourself
  • Judging others
  • Not taking time to enjoy what you have
  • Living in fear
  • Giving away your power
  • Ignoring your deepest desires
  • Overspending
  • Overeating
  • Overindulging
  • Wasting your time
  • Deflecting compliments
  • Trying to be someone you’re not
  • Not setting strong boundaries
  • Ignoring your inner voice

And that’s only a partial list of light and life dimming choices!

It boggles the mind there are so many points in a day when your choice either empowers or disempowers, adds or drains energy, propels you forward or keeps you stuck.

Think back over your day. Are you making choices consistent with where you want to go?