Are you going with the flow?
I have to admit: Before my obsession with Law of Attraction, I had never really given any thought to what the Universe was flowing to me. I was too busy making To Do lists, setting goals, and efforting my way to try to get what I wanted. The thought of going with the flow probably […]
Love Your Life #047: Upstream vs. Downstream (and why it matters)
Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Today we’re going to talk about upstream vs. downstream—and why it matters. A lot! So what is upstream? What’s downstream? Which do you want? How are you currently living? You’ll soon find out! This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn… How you know […]
Love Your Life #046: Hard work is really not the path to Well-Being
Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Today we’re going to talk about hard work and why it’s not the path to Well-Being. This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn… How what you believe about hard work may be getting in the way of what you want in life Four […]
You need to get rid of half of what’s on your plate
Are your To Do list and calendar filled with tasks and commitments and obligations that you feel low energy about? Stuff weighing you down and draining your energy. Imagine you’re looking at your To Do list and your appointment calendar right now. What do you feel? What emotions come up for you? Perhaps friction, dread, […]
Love Your Life #013: Your To Do list is getting in the way of the Universe
Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Today we’re going to talk about two reasons you need to get rid of half of what’s on your plate. I’m talking your To Do list, your calendar. Does that sound exciting and scary? Enticing and absolutely impossible? Well, I plan to make a compelling case […]
All that hustle and hard work was exhausting
“When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you. A joy.” Rumi To be honest, not that long ago I didn’t even know what that quote meant. Not really. Hustle and hard work Because in the past I was all about hustle and hard work. And that worked to some […]
Get everything you want—the hard way or the easy way
I think you can have everything you want. And there are two ways to get it. One is the hard way and one is the easy way. The hard way The hard way is to effort your way there. Struggle, strive, lots of shoulds. Long To Do lists and project plans. Lots of doing things […]
Your worth and productivity do not equate
How much did you get done today? How many tasks did you mark off your To Do list? And how do you feel about yourself? Are you someone who feels good when you get lots done, but not so great when you’re less productive? Because here’s the thing: Your worth and productivity do not equate. […]
I’ve had enough of performing, perfecting, pleasing and proving
Do you know what’s exhausting? Hustling for worthiness. Performing, when you’re not an actor. Perfecting, when your standard means nothing is ever quite good enough. Pleasing, when you’re an approval junkie. Proving, when that little voice whispers, You’re not enough. I’ll bet you know what I’m talking about. Because I’ve yet to meet a woman […]
Do you need a little adventure in your life?
Has your routine started to feel like a rut? When’s the last time you were unplanned, leaving room for spontaneity? When’s the last time you left an opening in your calendar for serendipity? Routine can be great. Organized and orderly. Planned and prepared. Check things off your list Get stuff done. But routine can also […]