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  • There’s a saying: Comparison is the thief of joy

    Well, comparison is also a sneaky energy thief. Thinking everyone is better off—has it easier, has more stuff, better looks, more advantages…is an energy wasteland. Comparison breeds bitterness, resentment and jealousy. It also triggers insecurity, anxiety and self-doubt. Comparison: It’s the mantra of separation and disconnect. Because whatever the particular comparison, it’s them versus you—and […]

  • You’re unhappy with your job, but please don’t do this

    Not a week goes by that someone doesn’t pull me aside at a coffee shop to confess they hate their job. I’ve noticed shortly after sharing their discontent, they say some version of I really need to update my resume and start looking. No, no, no. It seems like a good impulse. You’re unhappy with […]

  • Comparison is the thief of joy

    The comparison mindset comes in many forms. Everyone has it easier than I do. Everyone else is better off. Everyone has more stuff. Everyone has it better.  Comparison: It’s the mantra of separation and disconnect. Whatever the particular comparison, it’s them versus you—and you come up lacking. They have more money, better looks, more advantages… They […]

  • Are you going where the energy is?

    It’s amazing how many people fight their energy instead of going where the energy is. Some fall into situations that are energy depleting and then are willing to stay trapped. Others encounter great surges of energy, but fight the source if it doesn’t fit with the expected path they thought their life would take. Going […]