• Love Your Life #217: Here’s how I run a downstream business

    Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Today we’re going to talk about how I run a downstream business—and why this episode applies to you even if you’re not a business owner. This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn… How my definition of success shifted from focusing only on external […]

  • This is my guide: “First, I reach for joy, and all else follows.”

    I can hardly believe I’ve released the 200th episode of Love Your Life + Law of Attraction! It seems only yesterday my intuition gave me a nudge that a podcast was next for me. And if you’ve heard me tell the story, my immediate reaction was No, no I don’t think so. Sounds like a […]

  • 8 ways to stop breaking promises to yourself

    One of my responsibilities as a coach is to provide my clients with external accountability. You want to get 10 new clients this quarter? What will you do to make that happen and when will you do it? You want to develop a new online course as a service offering? What are the milestones and […]

  • Are you confused and uncertain about what to do next?

    A client, let’s call her Ann, was complaining about a lack of clarity in her business. I feel fuzzy about who my ideal client really is. Which means I’m also not feeling confident about the services I’m offering—or not offering.  Ann’s marketing strategy was so multi-pronged and complicated that even she got confused trying to […]

  • Making things complicated is (really) bad for business

    Deadline-driven projects and pressing problems. Client demands and cash flow worries. Trying to keep up with paperwork and show up on social media. Interruptions and other peoples’ agendas. The hustle has you overworked, overwhelmed…and exhausted. You’re struggling every day in your business. To keep up. To catch your breath. To get ahead. To stop putting […]

  • When you want the piece of cake and to veg on the couch

    In the short-term you want… The second piece of cake… To veg on the couch in front of the TV after a long day of work… To spend another afternoon shopping on credit… To put off getting started on that big project… The lure of immediate gratification. When you consider only the present moment, it’s […]

  • Mini mission—Take the next step

    There’s something you want. Some goal you want to achieve. Or milestone you want to reach. Maybe it’s launch a business. Or lose 20 pounds. Maybe it’s write that book. Or run a marathon. Maybe it’s take that trip. Or change careers. Maybe it’s declutter and simplify. Or move across country. Whatever your goal, it […]

  • How can I pursue my dream when my plate is already full?

    Here’s an email I received this week. I get some variation of this question frequently, so thought I’d share my perspective. Q: I work full-time for a company, but dream about starting my own business. I’m afraid it would be impossible to juggle with all my other responsibilities, including a husband and two kids. I […]

  • Does your next chapter call for a reinvention?

    Many women I work with are in the midst of a reinvention. They’re establishing new careers, reevaluating relationships, exploring their creative side, moving across country—or even across the ocean, downsizing and simplifying, starting businesses, going back to school. They’re retiring from careers to pursue callings. Moving beyond empty nests to resurrect differed dreams. Your next […]

  • Read this when you start jumping to conclusions

    While it’s a little early for Halloween, I’d like to talk about mind readers and fortune tellers. No, not those kind. I’m talking about thinking distortions that come from jumping to conclusions. Here’s what happens: Rather than rely on evidence to come to a logical conclusion, mind readers and fortune tellers focus on a negative […]