Love Your Life #032: Are you picking up the wrong end of the stick?
Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Today we’re going to talk about whether you’ve been picking up the wrong end of the stick. A lot of us are—and don’t even realize it! This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn… A classic Law of Attraction framework about what is wanted […]
Why you don’t want to be on the freeway with me
OK, confession time. I’ve developed a really annoying habit. One that makes any car ride on the interstate a nightmare—for me and whoever is driving, which is usually Hans. I’ve gone from being something of a backseat driver to a very fearful passenger who’s constantly gasping as if we’re about to crash and pushing my […]
Bad behavior: When you get in your own way
Tolerations are things you’re reluctantly putting up with—and can include your own behavior. While there are 8 types of tolerations, Behavior tolerations can be particularly exasperating because it’s you you’re putting up with. For example, do you work too many hours and over promise at work? Do a lot of mindless eating and get too […]
You need to read this if you’re a worry-wart
Worry is a slippery thing. On the one hand, it feels like something positive you’re doing. An expression of caring about someone or something. You worry… your recent graduate will have trouble finding a “real” job. your spouse won’t get the promotion at work. your sibling isn’t taking care of his health. your friend is […]
There’s a saying: Comparison is the thief of joy
Well, comparison is also a sneaky energy thief. Thinking everyone is better off—has it easier, has more stuff, better looks, more advantages…is an energy wasteland. Comparison breeds bitterness, resentment and jealousy. It also triggers insecurity, anxiety and self-doubt. Comparison: It’s the mantra of separation and disconnect. Because whatever the particular comparison, it’s them versus you—and […]
What do you want freedom from?
What do you want freedom from? The stress and anxiety of an overscheduled life? Too much time spent working to make a living without having a life? The friction and energy drain of trying to keep up with the Joneses? What do you want freedom from? Focusing more on money than meaning? Living for the […]
What if you don’t have to have all the answers?
Recently one of my clients shared she feels the need to have all the answers in work situations, especially with clients. This pressure to always have the right answer at the ready is causing a lot of stress—not to mention the massive preparation it requires for any client interaction. And even with all that prep time, she […]
Read this when you start jumping to conclusions
While it’s a little early for Halloween, I’d like to talk about mind readers and fortune tellers. No, not those kind. I’m talking about thinking distortions that come from jumping to conclusions. Here’s what happens: Rather than rely on evidence to come to a logical conclusion, mind readers and fortune tellers focus on a negative […]
Do you feel like a fraud?
It happens at least a couple times a month. Sometimes while mingling at a networking event, other times across the aisle of a plane. Sometimes it happens when I’m meeting someone new for a cup of coffee or it could be while sharing lunch with others at a conference. It happened twice last weekend at […]
Are you all about the worst-case scenario?
Do you regularly steel yourself for the worst? Does your mind take a little information and run with it into the future thinking about negative scenarios? When faced with anything new or outside your comfort zone, do you assume you’ll fall short, it won’t work out, or that something catastrophic will happen? My spouse says […]