You’re NOT worth it, so just DO it (Is this you?)
I want you to think about how you take care of yourself. Are you burning the candle at both ends and suffering from burnout? Do you wear busy like a badge of honor? Sacrifice sleep to mark one more thing off your To Do list? Do you say yes, yes, yes, and then wonder why […]
Continued...8 ways to spring clean your mind
Winter is over and that can only mean one thing: It’s time for spring cleaning. This time of year makes us want to throw open the windows, air out the house, and do some deep cleaning. It feels good to let the sunshine in and make your surroundings shine and sparkle. And there’s no doubt […]
Continued...The truth behind why you’re so stressed out
You’re stressed. You say it’s the big project at work or what’s going on in the world. It’s caring for an elderly parent or the increase in your property taxes. Those are, indeed, stress-inducing. No doubt. A sneaky kind of stress But I want to talk about something causing stress in your life that’s often […]
Continued...Dear Inner Critic: Here are 5 things I want to tell you
My Inner Critic is a mean girl. And to be honest, I don’t much like her. She’s a glass half empty kind of gal. She’s overly blunt, kind of whiny, and has zero bedside manner. She’s the kind of girl who will pull the chair out from under you if you’re not paying attention. And […]
Continued...Maybe it’s not a lack of willpower…but a missing skill
You’re asked to use software completely unfamiliar to you… You try a complicated new cooking technique… You take on new responsibilities at work outside your expertise…. What happens? You struggle. At least at first. And if you never build the skill or acquire the knowledge you need, you’ll probably continue to struggle. Gap in skills and […]
Continued...Tolerations: Are you feeling frustrated in these 8 ways?
Did you know there are 8 different types of tolerations? Oh wait—are you saying, “What the heck is a toleration?” Well, a toleration is just a semi-fancy way of referring to things you’re reluctantly putting up with. You could also call them energy vampires, the gunk of life, or holes in your personal success cup. Whatever […]
Continued...Ask these 4 questions to know if it’s a toleration
Tolerations have been called energy vampires, the gunk of life, holes in your personal success cup, and static playing in the background of your life. All those descriptions are true. But I think the best definition is simply: Tolerations are all the things you are reluctantly putting up with. Can you relate? Because you’re probably […]
Continued...Will this be your deathbed regret?
One of the most common deathbed regrets is: I wish I had let myself be happier. Doesn’t that thought just make you ache? I know it does me. It causes a near-physical pain. Because notice it says “I wish I had let myself be happier.” Had let myself be present instead of busy Had let […]
Continued...Here are 12 things that get in the way of ease
My word for the year is ease…the absence of difficulty or effort. Just thinking about ease makes me take a deep breath and relax. Even feel a little happier. My life already has a lot of ease in it. I’ve made certain choices the last few years to move toward ease. Leaving a career I […]
Continued...Pesky tolerations are more costly than you think
Imagine I ask you to name 3 results you want to create in your life. You name them. Then suppose I ask, What might get in the way of achieving those 3 results? Even before you tell me, I know the answer. Let’s try it right now. First, you have do your part and reveal […]
Continued...You pay a price when you delay making a decision
You miss out on early bird conference pricing because you delay deciding whether or not to attend. You feel increasingly frustrated with your current job, but delay deciding if you’re going to change careers. You struggle to market your services because you put off deciding who your ideal client is. What do these three scenarios […]
Continued...These 6 habits guarantee life is a struggle
Are you crazy busy? Do you tend to complicate things? Find yourself getting stuck in confusion? Are any of those how you get in your own way? Or maybe you’re easily distracted. And struggle with what’s a priority—and what’s not. Even find yourself putting productivity ahead of people. If any of these sound familiar, read […]
Continued...What to do when your To Do list makes you feel bad
Most of us are too quick to add items to our To Do list. Which means these lists very quickly become a mile long. Overwhelming and unmanageable. De-energizing and undoable. What’s your list like? What about you? If I looked at your To Do list, how many items would I find? Only a handful? Dozens? […]
Continued...Read this if overwhelm is your kryptonite
Last week I was discussing a big work project with a friend. OK, full disclosure: “Discussing” might be a little misleading. There was a fair amount of whining on my part and kvetching about whether I’d meet my year-end deadline. I whined about the ever-expanding size and scope of the task at hand. I droned […]
Continued...No, Pokemon GO wasn’t one of the apps I deleted
The other day I deleted over two dozen apps from my iPhone. No, not Pokemon GO (haven’t yet caught the craze). These apps were mostly to help me be more productive and informed. So, am I opting out of productivity? No longer interested in what’s going on in the world? No on both counts. Here’s […]