• 5 ways to know if it’s high vibe or trying to fill a hole

    The distinction between high vibe versus trying to fill a hole can apply to anything, but seems particularly relevant when it comes to personal development. So think about the books you read, workshops you attend, classes you take, courses you enroll in, podcasts you listen to… How do you know if taking that class about […]

  • I attended this conference and here’s what happened

    I recently attended the annual Forum of WXW here in Ann Arbor. WXW was created to connect women with other women in an open, supportive environment. We host monthly events dedicated to personal development, professional development, and networking. Since 2007, WXW has helped thousands of business women connect, learn, and succeed. The Forum is an […]

  • We had a disagreement and now the weekend is ruined

    The all or nothing mindset is self-talk focused on extremes. If I don’t stick to my diet perfectly, I might as well give up trying to lose weight. If I don’t get 25 people to sign up for my workshop, it’s a waste of time. If I don’t perform flawlessly, I’m a total failure. We […]

  • Do you feel like a fraud?

    It happens at least a couple times a month. Sometimes while mingling at a networking event, other times across the aisle of a plane. Sometimes it happens when I’m meeting someone new for a cup of coffee or it could be while sharing lunch with others at a conference. It happened twice last weekend at […]