• Here’s what happened when I finally got fed up

    Does this sound familiar? You sort through the mail and find yet another promotional offer from one of your credit card companies. Or even worse, those dastardly cash advance checks. You know—the ones that try to tempt you into credit card debt while simultaneously making you fear unauthorized use if they get in the wrong […]

  • It’s a great big beautiful world, but…

    It’s a great big beautiful world out there. Full of amazing wonder. And we’re living in an incredible age. Full of possibility. And, of course, we’re also living in a world filled with things that vex us. That are not the way we want them to be. Or think they should be. World tolerations There […]

  • Mind your own business and have more energy

    If your spouse, children, parents, boss, coworkers, neighbors, and friends would just do what you want, you’d be a whole lot happier. Right? Imagine you could wave a magic wand and get everyone in line with your wants, needs, and preferences. It would immediately and automatically eliminate a significant amount of friction, frustration, and energy […]

  • Are you feeling frumpy in your clothes?

    Tolerations are anything you’re reluctantly putting up with that cause friction, frustration, and drain your energy. While there are 8 types of tolerations, Body tolerations are about how you look and feel in your body. I’m sure you can see why this is a category of tolerations unto itself, because most women have a lot […]

  • Bad behavior: When you get in your own way

    Tolerations are things you’re reluctantly putting up with—and can include your own behavior. While there are 8 types of tolerations, Behavior tolerations can be particularly exasperating because it’s you you’re putting up with. For example, do you work too many hours and over promise at work? Do a lot of mindless eating and get too […]

  • Do these thoughts make you feel bad?

    Ellen hurt my feeling when she turned down my invitation. I’m worried whether I’ll get the promotion at work. My presentation needs to be absolutely perfect. I’m so confused and really don’t know what to do. I want to start my own business, but am afraid of failing. Sue didn’t seem very pleased with my […]

  • environment tolerations stress

    The truth behind why you’re so stressed out

    You’re stressed. You say it’s the big project at work or what’s going on in the world. It’s caring for an elderly parent or the increase in your property taxes. Those are, indeed, stress-inducing. No doubt. A sneaky kind of stress But I want to talk about something causing stress in your life that’s often […]

  • Maybe it’s not a lack of willpower…but a missing skill

    You’re asked to use software completely unfamiliar to you… You try a complicated new cooking technique… You take on new responsibilities at work outside your expertise…. What happens? You struggle. At least at first. And if you never build the skill or acquire the knowledge you need, you’ll probably continue to struggle. Gap in skills and […]

  • Your life purpose: 43 questions you need to ask yourself 

    Are you on autopilot, going through the motions, just getting by? Maybe feeling discontent and a little aimless. Are you struggling with your direction and purpose? If so, chances are you have Compass tolerations. Compass tolerations show up when you’re: Not fully engaged in some part of your life Living out of alignment with your […]

  • Tolerations: Are you feeling frustrated in these 8 ways?

    Did you know there are 8 different types of tolerations? Oh wait—are you saying, “What the heck is a toleration?” Well, a toleration is just a semi-fancy way of referring to things you’re reluctantly putting up with. You could also call them energy vampires, the gunk of life, or holes in your personal success cup. Whatever […]