• Jealousy is not the pathway to manifesting

    I want to talk about jealousy. You know, that feeling of envy about someone else’s achievements or shiny pennies or experiences. That feeling of discontent or even resentment about someone else’s possessions or qualities or good fortune. I imagine we’ve all experienced the emotion of jealousy. Even as you may want to celebrate the good […]

  • Love Your Life #151: Do you know what your jealousy really means?

    Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Today we’re going to talk about what your jealousy really means—and it just might not be what you think. To access this episode, join LYL Premium. This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn… Times when you want to be happy for someone’s good […]

  • Do you have one of these blind spots?

    Every now and again, someone tells me Law of Attraction isn’t working for them. They say they are doing all the “right” LoA things, but what they want just isn’t manifesting. They see Law of Attraction working in the lives of others, but not theirs. It can certainly seem like that because we’re not able […]

  • 6 ways to gain energy

    Do you wish you had more energy? After a wish for more time, a desire for more energy is probably the most frequent craving I hear from women. How to gain energy You can have more energy by simply doing two things: Think high-energy thoughts Make high-energy choices The array of high-energy thoughts and choices […]

  • There’s a saying: Comparison is the thief of joy

    Well, comparison is also a sneaky energy thief. Thinking everyone is better off—has it easier, has more stuff, better looks, more advantages…is an energy wasteland. Comparison breeds bitterness, resentment and jealousy. It also triggers insecurity, anxiety and self-doubt. Comparison: It’s the mantra of separation and disconnect. Because whatever the particular comparison, it’s them versus you—and […]