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  • Why the resistance to these two little words?

    What are you deeply inspired by? What would it look like if you were wildly successful? Those questions were recently posed to a client during an all-day strategy session. And she was having trouble. It was those words: deeply, wildly. She was resistant to them. Her answers flowed more freely when deeply and wildly were […]

  • Learning to say Yes and No with ease

    A client recently made a distinction about the type of speaking engagements she accepts. She’s not interested in creating content and traveling to deliver a presentation to grow the knowledge of an audience. Instead, it’s only worth her time if she’s building the skills of audience members. Which means at the end of one of […]

  • 5 questions to figure out what you crave

    Some people are lucky. They’ve always known what they crave. Others (like me) have done the heavy lifting of exploration to figure it out. And still others are waiting. Hoping it will become clear. Hoping for a flash of insight. Well, the flash may indeed come, but what if it doesn’t? And while you’re waiting, […]

  • Where are you settling—and why?

    Are you settling? I know, I know. It’s such a loaded question. Because if the answer is “yes”, what do you do with that? What do you do with the knowledge you’re accepting or agreeing to something you consider less than satisfactory? Because THAT is the definition of settling. Accepting something that’s less than satisfactory. […]

  • Are you open to possibility?

    Possibility and opportunity are all around

    Possibility and opportunity are all around if you’re on the lookout. Here’s a great story about the importance of being present to the opportunities right in front of you. Back in the ’50s Kihachiro Onitsuka was trying to make basketball shoes in Japan, believing the sport was going to become popular in that country. His […]

  • I won't wait for inspiration

    I won’t wait for inspiration

    I won’t wait for inspiration to strike. I will go out and get inspired. I won’t wait for inspiration to come to me. I will put myself on the path. I won’t wait for inspiration to take hold. I will reach out my hands. I won’t wait for inspiration. Instead, I will simply show up. […]