Are you the heroine of your story?
We each have a narrative to tell about our life. It’s interesting what we decide to include—and exclude—in the telling. What’s the story you tell? Do you start from the beginning or do you skip entire chapters? Do you edit out the parts where you flubbed your lines or do you unabashedly recount the missteps […]
Is a little healthy comparison OK?
Everyone says, “Don’t compare yourself to others.” Some say it’s a waste of time and energy—something about keeping up with the Joneses. Or bad for your self-esteem and confidence. Some say avoid comparison because while the grass over there may look greener, it may just be a nice green facade. But, I think it’s OK […]
I’ve never noticed spring as much as this year
I’ve never noticed Spring as much as this year. Or at least I haven’t noticed it this much in a decade. Want to know why? Because I had my nose to a (largely self-imposed) grindstone and was working all the time. And when I wasn’t working, I was too bleary-eyed from overwork to notice much […]
Are you listening to your intuition?
A recent trip to Mackinac Island has me thinking about lighthouses—those wonderfully picturesque structures that warn of danger from a location sailors could see from a safe distance and serve as a guide into harbors. Interesting—that dual purpose to both warn and guide. To announce danger and light the way to safety. Not unlike a […]